Be Prepared: Extreme Cold Weather

Elizabeth Raymond
5 min readJan 14, 2024

A little advice for the coming cold

I normaly do not make lists or advice posts but we have a prolonged amount of severe cold weather right around the corner. It’s going to reach areas that are not used to freezing weather here in the USA. So here is some information for anyone who may not be used to the cold or could use a reminder.

  1. Layer your clothing if a normal outfit is not enough. You can wear sweat pants under jeans for your lower half. For the upper body you can wear a combination of shirts, sweater and jacket. Don’t forget gloves and head gear. I learned from experience that a deep freeze in normally warmer areas will wipe out a Walmart’s supply of gloves fast and you don’t want your hands freezing cold. A few years ago I bought a 3 in 1 parka from Torrid so I could layer as needed and it has been great. So even if you normally have mild winters these 3 in 1 parkas can be a versatile part of your closet.
  2. Make sure the heat in your car is working. My first year in North Carolina we had an ice storm and I was having to stop every few miles to scrape the windshield as I had no heat. When I hit a slush patch that sent me spinning I was stuck for hours with no heat and had to treat myself for frost bite when I made it home. Better safe than sorry!
  3. Make an emergency bag for your car. I will post a list of…

