Bible Study Guide Day 009: Job 21–23

3 min readJan 9, 2024

My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.

Job 23:11

Bible Study Guide Day 009: Job 21–23
Photo by Giorgio Parravicini on Unsplash

Previous Day 008: Job 17–20

Job 21


In this chapter, Job responds to Zophar’s accusation that the wicked suffer in this life. He argues that many times, it is actually the wicked who prosper and enjoy a comfortable life, while the righteous may face trials and suffering.

Job raises an important question about the concept of retribution: why do the innocent suffer while the guilty seem to get away with their actions? This is a difficult question that has puzzled humanity for centuries.

In verses 7–15, Job lists the many ways in which the wicked seem to prosper: their children are secure, their homes are peaceful, they have an abundance of cattle and wealth, and they even mock God without consequence.

It seems unfair that those who disregard God’s laws can live such comfortable lives, while those who strive to follow Him may face hardships and difficulties. But Job recognizes that ultimately, it is God who controls the outcomes of our lives.

