Why Plain Water Should be Your Number 1 Beverage

Archie N. Hodge
4 min readNov 13, 2023


A refreshing glass of cold water: Photo by Archie N. Hodge

When we think of beverages, we usually think of coffee, tea, soda or juice. However, water is considered a beverage, too. In fact, it should be your main beverage, as far as your health is concerned. Simply put, drinking plain water is more important than you think.

People may say, “I don’t drink a lot of water, but I drink other fluids — don’t they count? The answer is yes — they count, but they aren’t as effective as water. Of course, some fluids have more beneficial traits in a few areas. Plain water does not have the vitamins and minerals that green tea and lemon water have. In addition, it does not have the amount of electrolytes that Gatorade has. But overall, water is the best choice — It provides more benefits in more areas. Check out the list below:

Water is the best liquid to quench your thirst (according to Harvard Univ.)

Water is the best liquid to lower your blood sugar level when it is too high.

Water is the best liquid to lower your blood alcohol level

Water is the best liquid to take with medicine (no bad interactions)

Water has a pH level that is neutral (most beverages are acidic)

Water is 100% sugar-free (few beverages can claim that)

Water has no artificial flavors or coloring; nor does it have fat or cholesterol

Water (tap) has trace minerals such as zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron and fluoride.

Pure water is a must if you want to stay healthy. Dr. Lorraine Day (who worked as an orthopedic trauma surgeon) stated that the three most crucial factors that lead to diseases are: (1) A bad diet, (2) Too much stress and (3) A lack of water. Initially, she was amazed when she discovered that water was so high on the health list. But it makes sense if you think about it.

You see, when you drink enough water, it move nutrients to every cell in your body, which keeps them healthy. It also removes liquid and solid wastes and that includes cancer-causing carcinogens. In fact, you probably have carcinogens in your body right now that need to be removed. Therefore, water is an essential part of your defense system.

According to NBCnews.com, “drinking plenty of water and other liquids may reduce the risk of bladder cancer by diluting the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and helping to flush them through the bladder faster.”

According to Kidneyfund.org, “Water is simply the best drink you can have. Water has zero-calories and hydrates the body perfectly. If you are in the earlier stages of kidney disease, choosing water most of the time to quench your thirst will keep your body and kidneys functioning well.”

Another reason why drinking water is better than any other liquid is because your body was meant to be 75% water (not 75% tea, coffee juice or soda). Your body will still function if you consume mostly other beverages, but not at top efficiency. That alone should convince you to drink more water.

Now, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of other popular beverages:

Milk probably has more vitamins and minerals than any other beverage (next to vegetable juice). However, this white substance also has a lot fat and cholesterol. Because of this, a lot of people have switched to skim or soy milk, but they have a lot of calcium. According to Harvard Health, “Calcium deposits are part of artery-clogging plaque. They may contribute to stiffening of the arteries and interfere with the action of heart valves.” This issue is rarely discussed, but it should be.

Lemon water is a very good health drink because it is full of nutrients and has medicinal qualities. However, drinking it every day will lead to erosion of tooth enamel, digestive problems, and blood pressure changes.

Tea and juices are packed with vital nutrients but, they are often filled with too much sugar. Natural sugar is better than granulated sugar, but too much is still not good for you. Soda and coffee provide little or no nutrients at all. In addition, these liquids usually have too much caffeine and sugar. Did you know that the average can of soda has about 9 teaspoons of sugar? In turn, sugar is a major problem because it is linked to diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Of course, alcoholic beverages can lead to a long list of health issues when drinking is excessive (including car accident injuries).

In the final analysis, you can’t beat God when it comes to formulating the best liquid for your body. He made H2O as the primary liquid to drink. In comparisons, the human creations of soda, coffee, alcohol and Kool-Aid, consist of more bad ingredients than good ones.

Think about the above issues when you select your next drink. Sure it’s OK to drink other beverages, but make water your main choice — it is the best fluid for your health. It also gives you an added bonus that no other drink offers — in most cases… it’s ABSOLUTELY FREE!



Archie N. Hodge

Archie N. Hodge is a freelance writer with a degree in Communications. He graduated with honors from Truman State. He likes to write articles that inform others