The Freedom of Having Nothing to Prove

Drop The Godd*mn Tired Act of Constantly Trying to Prove Yourself

Archie Bee
4 min readDec 6, 2023
Image by the Author, 2023.

Look, I’m just going to start this by being blunt: constantly feeling like you need to prove yourself is exhausting bullsh*t.

There, I said it.

See, ever since we were young kids desperate for the approval of our parents, teachers, basically every goddamn authority figure in our lives, most of us have subconsciously adopted the belief that we must perpetually convince others (and sometimes, ourselves) of our talent, attractiveness, intelligence, specialness, etc. That we have an endless pile of boxes we need to check off to justify our existence.

Graduate high school? Check.

Go to a good college? Check.

Land the prestigious internship? Check.

Lock down the successful partner? Check.

And the list of societal merit badges drags on.



And check!

Trying desperately to fill the void inside yourself by hustling for ambitions and accolades is like trying to quench your thirst by drinking saltwater — it just makes you thirstier to sip from your inner wisdom whispering ‘You already showed up whole.’

It’s like we came pre-programmed to forever chase little reinforcing gold stars whispering “There ya go — see, you really are special!” without those, our entire sense of self crumbles apart. Cue exhausting overcompensating behavior to continually prop up this fragile identity and armor ourselves against nagging self-doubt.

Where The Hell Does This ‘Proving Yourself’ Mindset Come From?

No baby comes screaming into this world already feeling deficient.

That learned lack hits later, often in childhood. Maybe you had hyper-critical parents who made you feel worthless. Endured vicious bullying. Grew up in scarce environments where you absorbed implicit messages of being undeserving.

Fast forward years or decades, and these tapes still play on repeat in your head, igniting panic: “Oh God, I’m still not ____ enough!” Cue hustling even harder to alleviate a perpetual, tiresome sense of never quite being OK. Of harboring this flawed emptiness within parts of yourself, despite external wins.

It’s brutal psychology — the effort to validate your worth becomes all-consuming.

Which is ironic since the more you frantically fill this void by chasing accomplishments, the deeper it splits you open.

Freedom Means Embracing You Already Showed Up Whole

But what if you took every internal and external voice scrutinizing your value, put them in a box, and dropped it off a cliff?

What remains in the silence that follows is you, standing there — already enough.

See, you harbor this radical (and radically simple) assumption:

You showed up worthy, just for being alive. Nothing to add or subtract changes this. Which means all the proving and performing trying to earn self-acceptance is pointless.


You have nothing to prove.

Not to others, not to society, and especially not to your own harshest critic: yourself.

The Emotional Payoff of This Mindset is Huge

This isn’t just some feel-good fluff.

There’s massive freedom in shedding anxiety about chasing validation and meeting arbitrary markers.

Suddenly you have space to ask: “Who would I be and what would I create if I wasn’t so damn worried about being seen as successful/attractive/ambitious/perfect [etc.]?”

When you know — really know — you already showed up whole, all that wasted energy trying to “fix” yourself is now free. Free to pour into your weird creative dreams.

Free to forge soul-nourishing connections minus needing to pretend you have it all together.

This Looks Easy But Takes Time

But make no mistake — this is a process requiring compassion as you undo decades of conditioning.

Meet every self-judgment whispering “not good enough yet!” with empathy rather than shame for still struggling.

Then extend that same unconditional understanding toward others too. Bond together with friends dropping the façade of faking “fine” and admitting they also battle nagging feelings of unworthiness haunting them. Help co-create safe spaces for unpacking these strange burdens we all inherited living in such a harsh, results-driven world.

Unburdening yourself from chasing validation doesn’t kill motivation but liberates tremendous energy to pour into your creative dreams and intimate relationships guided by what truly matters when lacking containment by others’ expectations.

In this, you light small fires — illuminating pathways out of validation-addiction and into authenticity. The smoke catches and spreads and soon, enough oxygen gets pumped into new ways of showing up vulnerably together, mutually understanding:

We all showed up worthy, carrying these inexplicable burdens of unworthiness for no good reason at all.

Let’s shed what keeps us chasing gold stars and meet right here, no longer performing or pretending.

This shared truth changes everything.

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Archie Bee

I’m on Buy Me a Coffee



Archie Bee

Unfiltered writing about self-improvement, human potential, and anything in-between to live better.