Microservice Architecture vs Service Based Architecture

Archit Chauhan
5 min readJan 4, 2023


Microservice architecture is a design approach that structures an application as a collection of small, independent services. Each microservice is designed to handle a specific task and communicates with other microservices through well-defined interfaces and protocols.

Microservice architecture is similar to service-based architecture, but the services are typically even smaller and more granular, and they are designed to be as self-contained as possible. This means that each microservice has its own codebase, database, and runtime environment, and it can be developed, tested, and deployed independently of other microservices.

However, microservice architecture can be more complex to design and manage, as it requires careful planning and coordination to ensure that the different microservices work together effectively. It also requires more infrastructure to support the multiple runtime environments and databases needed for each microservice.

Service-based architecture and microservice architecture are similar in that both involve designing an application as a collection of independent services that communicate with each other over a network.

However, there are some key differences between the two approaches:

  1. Granularity: Service-based architecture involves designing larger services that handle a broader range of tasks, while microservice architecture involves designing smaller, more granular services that handle specific tasks. For example, in a service-based architecture for an e-commerce application, you might have a single “order processing” service that handles everything from taking orders to processing payments. In a microservice architecture, you might have separate microservices for each of these tasks (e.g., an “order taking” microservice, or a “payment processing” microservice).
  2. Independence: Service-based architecture generally involves designing services that are somewhat self-contained, but they may still have some dependencies on other services. Microservice architecture, on the other hand, involves designing services that are as independent as possible, with each microservice having its own codebase, database, and runtime environment.
  3. Complexity: Service-based architecture can be easier to design and manage than microservice architecture, as it involves fewer, larger services that are less complex. Microservice architecture can be more complex, as it involves many more, smaller services that must be carefully coordinated to work together effectively.
  4. Scalability: Both service-based and microservice architectures can be scalable, but microservice architecture is generally more flexible in this regard, as it is easier to scale individual microservices as needed.
  5. Examples: Some examples of applications that might use a service-based architecture include a payroll system, a customer relationship management (CRM) system, or a supply chain management system. Some examples of applications that might use a microservice architecture include a social media platform, an e-commerce website, or a ride-sharing service.

Here are some additional examples of how microservice architecture is different from service-based architecture:

  1. Codebase: In a service-based architecture, the code for a single service may be spread across multiple modules or components, while in a microservice architecture, the code for each microservice is typically contained within a single codebase.
  2. Database: In a service-based architecture, a single service may access a shared database or multiple databases, while in a microservice architecture, each microservice typically has its own dedicated database.
  3. Deployment: In a service-based architecture, a single service may be deployed as a monolithic application or as a set of smaller components, while in a microservice architecture, each microservice is typically deployed as a standalone application.
  4. Scaling: In a service-based architecture, it may be necessary to scale the entire application or a large portion of it in order to handle increased traffic or load, while in a microservice architecture, it is usually possible to scale individual microservices as needed.
  5. Integration: In a service-based architecture, services may be tightly coupled and depend on each other to function, while in a microservice architecture, microservices are designed to be as independent as possible and communicate through well-defined interfaces.
  6. Management: In a service-based architecture, it may be necessary to coordinate updates and changes to multiple services in order to maintain the application, while in a microservice architecture, it is usually possible to update or modify individual microservices without affecting the entire application.

Here is an example of Hotel booking with both Service Based and Microservices architecture

In a microservices architecture, a large application is divided into smaller, independent units called microservices. Each microservice is designed to perform a specific task or set of tasks and communicates with other microservices through APIs to perform more complex operations.

For example, in a hotel booking system, a microservices architecture might include the following microservices:

  • A “rooms” microservice that manages the available rooms and room rates.
  • A “bookings” microservice that handles the creation and management of bookings.
  • A “payments” microservice that processes payment transactions.
  • A “reviews” microservice that allows users to leave reviews of their stay.

In a service-based architecture, the application is divided into smaller units called services, but these services are not necessarily independent. Instead, they are typically organized around a central service that coordinates their activities and manages their interactions with each other.

For example, in a hotel booking system, a service-based architecture might include the following services:

  • A “rooms” service that manages the available rooms and room rates.
  • A “bookings” service that handles the creation and management of bookings.
  • A “payments” service that processes payment transactions.
  • A “reviews” service that allows users to leave reviews of their stay.

In both architectures, the goal is to break down a large, complex application into smaller, more manageable units. However, microservices are designed to be more independent and self-contained, while services in a service-based architecture are more tightly coupled and rely more on central coordinating services.

You are correct that both microservices and service-based architectures can involve similar services, such as rooms, bookings, payments, and reviews. The main difference between the two architectures is how these services are organized and how they communicate with each other.

In a microservices architecture, each service is designed to be independent and self-contained, with its own database and other resources. The services communicate with each other through APIs, and each service can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently of the others. This modular design makes it easier to maintain and update the system, as changes to one service do not necessarily affect the others.

In a service-based architecture, the services are typically more tightly coupled and rely more on a central coordinating service. The services may share resources and databases and may be more dependent on each other for their functionality. This can make it more difficult to maintain and update the system, as changes to one service can have a larger impact on the others.

In a hotel booking system, a “rooms” service in a service-based architecture would likely be responsible for managing the available rooms and room rates. It might include functions such as retrieving a list of available rooms, creating and updating room listings, and calculating room rates.

In a microservices architecture, a “rooms” microservice would also be responsible for managing the available rooms and room rates. However, the microservice would be designed to be more independent and self-contained than the service in a service-based architecture. It would have its own database and other resources and would communicate with other microservices through APIs.

One key difference between a “rooms” service and a “rooms” microservice is the level of independence and modularity. A “rooms” microservice would be designed to be more standalone, with a clear separation of concerns and minimal dependencies on other parts of the system. This makes it easier to maintain and update the microservice independently of the rest of the system.

