How to recover deleted YouTube videos?

David Archivarix
2 min readJan 6, 2020

Sometimes you can see this “Video unavailable” message from Youtube. Usually it means that Youtube has deleted this video from their server. But there is an easy way how to get it from the Wayback Machine. Firstly, you need a Youtube video link. It looks like this: 1vpS_-nN3JM The last symbols after watch?v= is a code of the video.

Copy to your browser this link (simply click on it and it will be in the clipboard):

Put the video code at the end of that url: 1vpS_-nN3JM

and press Enter.

If the Wayback Machine cached that video you will see it in the browser window. Right click on it and choose “Save Video as…” in the browser menu. Now you have this video on your computer.

If the video was not cached you will see “Hrm.The Wayback Machine has not archived that URL.” Put the video url 1vpS_-nN3JM in search and find if the page with that video was cached. Often there is only a screenshot of the page with video, and the message “Sorry, the Wayback Machine does not have this video () archived (or not indexed yet).” There will be a video name and descriptions, you can still find it somewhere on the internet, for example on other video-sharing platform.

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