ALTverse: An Odyssey To New Land. Chapter 1

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2 min readApr 13, 2022

It was the very day of discovery. A nondescript stone attracted you strangely, and after paying quite a cost, you took it home. That night you first heard from a brand new voice. The stone has, when spoken, a hissing sound, similar to that of a whisper; as such, normal people could not understand it. Suddenly, as you are half-asleep, you realise what the whisper is: ALT3.

The next thing you know is waking up in a new land, with the blue sun in the sky reminding you that this is no longer the familiar Earth. An indescribable creature comes to you, accompanied by the sound of a fumbling. Its furry torso, big claws and stubby horn do not match any of your existing knowledge of human biology. But somehow there is an affection for you in his reptilian pupils, and you are not creeped out or frightened, even wanting to stroke its soft-looking belly. By the time the reaction hits you, he is already purring comfortably like a dog under your touch. You attempt and say, “sit down”, and in a cloud of dust, the huge monster obeys to sit in front of you.

Like a déjà vu, like a reborn, you now realise this is a whole new world where you are completely on your own.

Information so far

Fossil: Irregular rocky object with peculiar outline, quantity unknown. The owner will be able to master paranormal experiences like hallucinations and visions. Reports have been received that they were on an extraterrestrial planet, with its principles unknown.

ALT3: An Earth-like planet in an unknown star system, orbiting a blue star. Carbon based life does exist, and humans from Earth could in some way travel here and survive.

Monsters: The creatures on ALT3 appear to break with long-held human knowledge of genetics and evolution, exhibiting physical characteristics and organs in hybrid forms. Owners have reported that when they first arrived on the planet, they were always accompanied by one or more native creatures that never showed aggression towards them and were even able to comprehend and carry out their commands.




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