AR content from all over the world on your screen


The Arcona’s development team is a couple of steps away from having the system own viewer done. The Arcona AR Viewer will become the gate to the world of incredible AR scenarios all over the world regardless the type of users’ devices. It will unite the owners of smartphones with different OS, tablets and headsets (like HoloLens) interested in AR based business and experience.

The Arcona AR Viewer will allow the users to see the augmented reality objects placed by other users from anywhere.

To blend the objects of real and virtual worlds for clear user’s perception the user’s device should “identify” it’s position in the space. For this the Arcona AR Viewer is supposed to detect specific “visual features”. By this we mean spots of the image which are different from all the rest ones. Like those marked in the picture below.

Localization and mapping. Left: 3D point clouds and camera trajectories.
Right: Features detected on input images.

By tracking those features from frame-to-frame we can build a sparse 3D map of the environment and determine our position there. These maps are unified and can be shared between users for joint AR experience.

Also, the maps contain just essential information and are small — less than 100 kilobytes per one digital plot. So, after each session of using AR Viewer we will upload an improved with the help of the SLAM technology map to the servers. That’s where it will be merged with our GIS-data and already uploaded SLAM maps. So, the next AR Viewer’s user will download the better maps of the area. This will allow the most accurate positioning of AR content placed all across the globe.

To increase speed of maps coverage we’ll also run SLAM directly on our servers, using publicly available images to create initial maps.

Two SLAM maps merged

You can also check out our tech video about mapping and relocalization.

Keep up with our technical news to learn more!



Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here