Arcona at the Augmented Reality San Francisco Bay Area MeetUp


If following the news hashtagged #AR and #Blockchain, you got to be aware of the most immense event — AWE (Augmented World Expo), which is going to take place in Santa Clara, the United State. First and world most colossal AR+VR conference will take two days from the 30th of May to the 1st of June. It will clarify why companies, start-ups and investors must get into XR (short for AR, VR, MR) or be left behind.

In the framework of this main XR-industry event there is going to be the Augmented Reality San Francisco Bay Area MeetUp. It will be fully devoted to the subjects of AR and Blockchain.
«Blockchain, the technology behind cryptocurrency, allows for the secure online exchange of goods and services independent of a third party. Many experts and futurists believe that blockchain will be the basis for trust — and with that, the answer to identity verification and a means of consensus or governance — in the Metaverse», — one of the organizers Ori Inbar says. The participants of the site will get to know about most interesting business-cases of nowadays.

And we will help them. Daniel Girdea, one of the Arcona co-founders, is going to take part in the discussion as online speaker.

The record of the stream will be available on our news channels. Join our TG not to miss anything!



Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here