Arcona’s Soft Cap equivalent to 2746 ETH was reached today! That means that we raised the funds needed for the technical realization of the project. We are sticking to a planned course. The technological prototype core is already has been presented, is accessible to all and will be updated every two weeks. The market place of the ecosystem development is what we work on, so all the users will be able to validate it soon.

One more good news is that another major and reputable partner has joined the project. That is a spanish company which has long been on the european real estate market and actively invests in development of digital technologies. By now we agreed on ambitious plans to collaboratively launch incredibly beautiful and very useful projects based on our new Digital land in Spain.

Follow us on and be aware!

Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here