Digital land will be fertile!


The Arcona Augmented Reality Platform will become one of the first representatives of a new type of digital universes.

🚀 It will allow real, localized business to take advantage of all the virtues of virtual worlds. Here is a just one of the applications of AR technologies and blockchain in the advertising industry.

Advertising space in the centers of large cities is prohibitively high. A billboard would cost you at least $ 10,000 per month. And sometimes you just cannot place any ads, as it happens in historical districts. In large cities, there are more and more central districts that refuse to place ads on their facades.

➡️AR is the solution here. Now any object in the city can become an advertising platform. A company can simply “bind” their advertising content to any building, square, monument, etc. And the content can be anything: standard commercials, advertising shows, interactive displays of products and services, or gaming assignments with prizes. With the help of inexpensive Arcona tools everyone will have access to such “superpower”, from multinational corporations to an owner of a small coffee chop.

For example, the attendance of the central places of megacities ranges from 50 to 100 thousand people per day.

🏙 This is comparable to what an average news website receives in visitors per day. The banner on such a website would cost you about $300 a month, meanwhile on the Arcona Digital Lands it would cost just $50. Now compare this figure with the cost of a real street billboard!
And there are no restrictions on virtual advertising from municipalities as this kind of advertising doesn’t spoil the city. To see these ads one should download the App to his smartphone. And this favorable situation will last for many years… well, at least until the moment that people start using special AR lenses and move completely into the world of digital reality.



Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here