It has never been easier to become the land owner!


Don’t miss a chance to become the owner of the new Digital Land for free!

Check out our contest started last week and gaining momentum! The first desirable plot of land goes to Yuri Dyatlov who sticked to all the contest rules and added a touching reasoning on his Facebook page of why he was to get the plot of land in the center of Tokyo: “My next trip is planned in late 2018 and this is Japan and of course Tokyo, it will be just a great coincidence if I come to an unfamiliar country, but I will already be there waiting for a piece of my native land”.

Arcona’s second prize to draw is a piece of land in Tokyo located next to the famous Sensō-ji temple (金龍山浅草寺 Kinryū-zan Sensō-ji) in the center of Asakusa area. It’s a temple of the ancient Buddhist monastery, which dates back to the VI century, long before the city of Tokyo was founded. Legend tells the story about two brothers who pulled out of river Sumida the most beautiful golden statue of Kannon — the Goddess of Mercy — while fishing. In her honor Sensō-ji was built. Its main gate Kaminari-mon is one of the most recognizable Tokyo postcards views.

The guests from all over the world come to see it and to walk along Nakamise Dori, where the shops sell matcha ice cream, cold matcha tea, traditional Japanese dolls, toys, jewelry, kimono, sembei biscuits and many other souvenirs. Some of the shops have a 3 hundred year history, and the whole unique atmosphere of this trade zone reminds of Tokyo of XVII-XIX centuries.

According to the Travel Leisure magazine the Sensō-ji temple is one of the most visited attractions around the world with over 30 million visitors annually. It is ranked among the top 10 temples in Japan for the number of visitors in the new year.

Sensō-ji is the focus of Tokyo’s largest and most popular festival, Sanja Matsuri, which lasts over 3–4 days in late spring, and sees the surrounding streets closed to traffic from dawn until late evening.

One more plot of land where aesthetics, authenticity and traditions of the land of the rising sun meet, can become yours! Your land — your rules and… capitalization (by placing AR content)!

To get it you need to take just two steps:

1) sign to the Arcona Whitelist HERE;

2) share this text on Facebook.

In a week we will check:

- if all the conditions have been met by the participants;

- how creative you have been in your wishes.

Good luck!

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Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

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