It’s time to sum up the first results of the previous year…


A year ago at this time, we promised to surprise you with a new intriguing project that will finally turn the augmented reality from an exotic toy into a familiar part of our life. And, looking back, we can proudly say — we kept our word! The global AR-ecosystem Arcona makes its first, but very confident steps towards the international market.

The idea of ​​creating a universal environment for the interactive projects around the globe has already been supported by hundreds of users and dozens of companies. Leading industry organizations from the realm of enlarged reality and the blockchain became our partners. Perspectives of Arcona are discussed at the world’s leading venues in all known languages ​​of the world.

Over the past year, we have traveled half of the world to talk about the opportunities that Arcona’s Digital Land will open for people of business and creativity. Behind our shoulders are the most steep crypto parties, including ICO-Hypethon in St. Petersburg, the largest blockchain summit in Tokyo, the Fintech Festival in Singapore, the Blockchain and Bitcoin conference in Cyprus, the Blockchain Solutions Forum in Barcelona, ​​the Blockchain Summit — Crypto Valley 2017 in Sweden and a lot others. We held a unique Meet-Up BlockchainMix in New York. The leaders of the opinions of both industries met there and found the most important points of contact that would allow AR and blockchain technologies to develop together, enriching each other.

And finally, ICO Arcona started at the very end of this year. The first stage of Christmas pre sale has already been completed with an excellent result — the project received more than 1200 ETH from the first enthusiasts!

We hope that your year was also full of new projects and ideas. May all the best happen to you the next year!

Thank you for supporting and believing in us!



Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here