Let’s talk about XR profitability


As it stands, the VR market is valued at around $2.2 billion. The AR/MR market is estimated at about half of this value according to the reports from SuperData — The world’s leading provider of digital games and playable media market intelligence. XR is a prospective area of investments as both AR and VR techs usage has a massive payback and allows some very real businesses (apart from gaming and entertaining ones which goes by default) to show off the products, services and solutions in an innovative and fascinating way.
By 2021 the AR market is forecasted to beat the VR one in terms of lucrativeness and its consumers revenue will reach $20.3 billion, while VR will be worth roughly $19 billion.

This makes sense since the AR applicability is rising with each day. It’s not only about huge and increasing still further number of AR apps aimed at business development but the appearance of uniting AR experiences platform. So is the Arcona ecosystem. Moreover it has a major social significance since it gives creative people an opportunity to present their products to the wider public. Arcona residents would be able to create and monetize their own AR projects and importantly — without the need of hi-level programming knowledge (Wordpress or Youtube model). How come? Discover on the Arcona website and ask questions on TG.



Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here www.arcona.io.