Making business in a new land.


Buying land is always a good investment. The owner can build up his territory and run a business on it, rent it out and watch it rising in value and price. However, if you want to purchase a plot in a large city, you will face a lot of problems and the main one is that practically everything is occupied. Any tiny plot of land in Paris or London will cost you an insane amount money.

Now, the new trend in 21st century landowning is virtual worlds lands, such as Second Life, Sansar, Decentraland or High Fidelity. This trend is very serious: hundreds of millions of people are visiting 3D universes monthly, the market for in-game purchases has grown to $ 37 billion, and by 2020 it should double.

With such optimistic VR world figures as a background, the world of AR, built on the verge of physical and virtual worlds, is a real find for business. Nintendo, Apple and Google have already proven that augmented reality is turning into a powerful global industry. This is tirelessly underlined by the head of Apple Tim Cook, according to which AR is a key function of current and future mobile devices. With the release of suitable gadgets to the mass market, the new digital environment is becoming more interesting for entrepreneurs. Still, this is a new free territory, where you can create the most incredible projects in the most popular places on the planet. And the target audience is there, ready to accept and use this technology, with high purchasing power and avid for hype and viral campaigns.

Digital land will be fertile

The Arcona augmented reality platform will become one of the first representatives of a new type of digital universes. It will allow real, localized business to take advantage of all the virtues of virtual worlds. Here are just some of the applications of AR technologies and blockchain that can be implemented on the Digital Lands.

Real estate

This industry traditionally loves innovations — especially those that can improve sales. Developers have long introduced augmented reality to impress customers and partners with 3D models of skyscrapers and bridges that grow right on their tables. With the help of AR applications, they offer to create interiors of future apartments or office layouts.

However, AR is capable of much more. It allows you to create beautiful interactive reconstructions of future structures even in their full size and place them directly on the construction site, or, if you wish, on the sites of major international exhibitions to attract investors. So, very soon the most amazing architectural projects can become the landmarks of the Digital Lands, and we will be able to see them long before the completion of the construction. For example, the highest tower on the planet, the Royal Tower in Jeddah.

A skyscraper of 1007 meters is now being built in Saudi Arabia. The most grandiose projects of China: the world’s largest air liner Daxing, which in 2025 will appear in Beijing, and the Shanghai Planetarium with its incredible, astronomical design.

In addition, the digital lands of Arcona can accommodate interesting architectural projects that have not yet found financial support. This will help them win a tender for the construction of new iconic objects, to get public recognition and media attention.


Advertising space in the centers of large cities is prohibitively high. A billboard would cost you at least $ 10,000 per month. And sometimes you just cannot place any ads, as it happens in historical districts. In large cities, there are more and more central districts that refuse to place ads on their facades. As they say in Rome, “finita la commedia”.

AR is the solution here. Now any object in the city can become an advertising platform. A company can simply “bind” their advertising content to any building, square, monument, etc. And the content can be anything: standard commercials, advertising shows, interactive displays of products and services, or gaming assignments with prizes. With the help of inexpensive Arcona tools everyone will have access to such “superpower”, from multinational corporations to an owner of a small coffee chop.

For example, the attendance of the central places of megacities ranges from 50 to 100 thousand people per day. This is comparable to what an average news website receives in visitors per day. The banner on such a website would cost you about $300 a month, meanwhile on the Arcona Digital Lands it would cost just $50. Now compare this figure with the cost of a real street billboard!

And there are no restrictions on virtual advertising from municipalities as this kind of advertising doesn’t spoil the city. To see these ads one should download the App to his smartphone. And this favorable situation will last for many years… well, at least until the moment that people start using special AR lenses and move completely into the world of digital reality.


The first Arcona Digital Lands will appear in the most iconic tourist places in the world. Among them are the legendary Gothic quarter of Barcelona and the City of London, Constitution Square in Mexico City and Soho in New York, the ancient First District of Paris and the Forbidden City in Beijing … The appearance of the Arcona Augmented Reality layer will turn these areas into an endless attraction for millions of travelers.

Tourists, what are they looking for in a city? Sights and entertainments, museums, shops, banks, transport, lodging, restaurants and cafes… On the Digital Lands there is everything, from normal navigation (to find whatever you are looking for) to completely new objects, such as digital stores, which can be seen only through the application, AR exhibitions and performances, exciting local quests and adventures. Virtual animators and guides will tell you the legends and the secret stories of the streets you are passing by. Historical reconstructions will open the time portals to you and show how these cities looked like 100 or even 500 years ago.


Today, any maps, from Yandex to Google, are more like a list of shops and cafes. And this is fair as they were intended for doing business after all. Nevertheless, it is important for the consumer that the maps remain maps, and the search for services is carried out exclusively on request, and not turned into obsessive advertising.

The ARcona Digital Lands will have its own navigation system enabling you to learn about all

AR projects located nearby. It will become your route through the AR. And this world is directly connected to the streets and squares of the cities you go by. So, all the useful information on how to get to the next virtual object and what you should pay attention to on the road, will be appropriate and available through Arcona navigator.


It has already been proven that augmented reality gives an amazing effect in the learning process not only of children, but also of adults. Visual and interactive representation helps to understand and remember even the most complex information. These advantages are already being actively used by textbook publishers and VR organizers as a simulator for corporate trainings. And now imagine that educational programs can be moved from the stuffy classes and offices to the streets of cities. You will see historic events and architectural masterpieces from other countries come to life in front of you, in your neighborhood! In the next square you would be able to send to the stars a space rocket or discover the most exotic animals of the planet. An amusing game with serious questions will get children’s attention and teach them to find information and solve complex problems, and for adults it will become the best teambuilding.

Augmented reality opens up infinite possibilities and Arcona Digital Lands facilitate the development of high end, easy and cheap AR educational projects.


The projects of Niantiс (Pokemon Go and Ingress) are well known. Their main advantage is the first global games in augmented reality, but this is also their drawback. Creators didn’t take into account the cultural context of specific cities and districts, because they are thousands of kilometers from the place in which you play.

The Arcona project is an ecosystem in which any developer can run his game solutions anywhere in the world. Special SDK and content store, on the one hand, reduce the threshold of entry to the market of augmented reality, and on the other hand, give professionals wide opportunities for using the Unity engine. But the main thing in Arcona is the opportunity to communicate and exchange ideas with colleagues and users. So, when planning a game story, you can easily enter into it the specific characteristics of any country or even city.

You will be able to easily connect your game with local brands. For example, you can trace the history of companies in the city and create a quiz for points or tokens: player should check-in in all cafes to collect game objects. Add some fascinating scenarios to it and you will get an amazing entertainment! And those who get bored with these quests, could play “Tetris” on the wall of the largest house of the district.

The goal of the Arcona ecosystem is to unite people from all continents in the new digital world. In this Digital World one can find new friends and business partners, realize his creative ideas and get paid for them. Augmented reality is an infinite source of inspiration, and the technology of blockchain is a guarantee of trust and transparency of any relationship. The business is looking for such clear and useful technological projects.



Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here