Presented in Japan a short while ago app made the AR / VR community resonate. Yes, we talk about that same VR girlfriend insistently crawling into AR world which seemed to many quite creepy.

On a brighter note is the new whole augmented reality trend being set which will definitely lead every single toy maker to the AR market as the premiere of the first ever AR Barbie doll was quite successful.

Let us introduce Megu, an augmented reality doll produced by Niigata-based studio Gugenka which can be easily modified, resized, dressed, posed in any imaginable way in the real environment. In the “kit” there are also plenty of modification tools which are represented by spray cans. Each can must be picked up individually and directed at Megu’s figure to control things.

The advantages are obvious: no need to go to a real toy store and spend heaps of money on some doll itself and all the side goods like clothing, accessories, cars, houses, doll’s company and whatever else. By the way, yeah, there exist everything mentioned above and even more costing quite a lot, in case you didn’t know!

Besides being the industry future, this new app opens the new perspectives of further development like endowing toys with the traits of media persons and maybe even of loved ones. Oops, we are kind of getting back to that AR / VR Japanese girlfriend. At some point.

Anyway the app is only available for the applers recently, for free though.

Yet the growing and fast developing AR market still needs a cross-platform which won’t require some special device, certain app or hard technical skill in a highly specialized system. That’s what we ourselves like most about the Arcona ecosystem as it combines functions of distributed GIS, augmented reality, 3D simulation, AI and blockchain architecture. Most importantly the augmented reality layer can be accessed on location by using customer-facing AR Viewer with quite any mobile device (and quite any operational system correspondingly), such as smartphones, tablets, smartphones with AR headsets, standalone AR glasses and headsets, AR contact lenses, and others. AR Viewer is being designed as free, cross-platform multi-user software program that enables participants to see augmented reality objects in a real-world environment.

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Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here