Remote AR content positioning. Steps get wider


Last week Google announced that it is ready to open its API maps for AR game developers. This means that programmers will have access to the richest collection of data about objects around the world. According to the calculations of the company itself, today over 100 million 3D models of buildings, roads and parks in more than 200 countries have been accumulated on their platform. Updates and replenish the collection will be using the ARCore, YouTube, Google Cloud and other projects of the company. Moreover, Google has already carried out the integration with Unity. Thanks to this, 3D environment models became GameObjects easy to be customized in terms of texture, style and set-ups.

This means that a rich, immersive gameplay can be built rapidly and cost-efficiently with the use of what was figuratively called “the gameplay scaffolding” at the company.

However, the potential of the Google Maps APIs can be successfully used outside of the game industry, says Alexander Yemelyanov, head of R&D Arcona.

This is an excellent opportunity for all the professional developers of AR projects, including the Arcona ecosystem. I’m sure Google’s solutions can be integrated into our technology platform and will be another brick for creating the Digital Land layer. The colossal amount of data that is accumulated by Google’s mapping service will allow us to accelerate the analysis of the physical environment significantly. Due to this, our own algorithms built on the basis of neural convolutional networks will be able to quickly and accurately recreate the landscape and generate natural geospatial markers for the placement of interactive content.

The main aim of Arcona is to open the technology of augmented reality for the mass user. We want any person, even very far from programming, to be able to launch their own fantastic shows, visualize their business projects or open online stores in the city streets around the world. The introduction of services like Google Maps APIs will make it happen much sooner“.

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Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here