Revolution in creative industries


Today, the technology of blockchain is most often associated with the financial market. In fact, its scope is much wider, and the blockchain capabilities are highly appreciated by the figures from the world of the arts.
The art market used to face very complex and controversial problems related to copyright protection and enforcement, the definition of the authenticity of works, property rights and so on. With the Internet development and corresponding widespread changeover to digital formats, the situation has only worsened. And here transparency and openness of the blockchain technology became the solution to many problems.

The electronic algorithm of the smart contract, recorded in the distributed registry — the blockchain environment, is supported and managed by an entire network of independent computers. Decentralization is a guarantee of strict contract execution.

Smart contract could provide the transparency necessary with regard to the rights of both parties. Thus, artists and customers are able to regulate all the financial and legal relations without intermediaries hunting for profit.
How come? When using smart contract, a seller can specify the authorship, costs and all conditions, so they will be presented to a potential customer automatically and strictly. The cryptographic code cannot be changed by any of the parties of the deal, neither by anyone else. But to check all the info about the deal itself and transaction is always open and available for everyone. In such a system, the cases of the content usage are all registered and paid immediately.

One can set the value of the work and adjust it depending on the objective demand. So, the user’s popularity and the demand for his/her commodity will be determined not by the opinion of critics, often biased, but by the recognition of the community voting in a simple, clear and pleasant way — by using cryptocurrency.

The driver of change

It is natural that the blockchain becomes (basically has already become) a driver of changes in the field of “talent market”, making it more understandable and transparent. Recently the technology is getting used wider and wider in numerous projects. Thus, the German service Ascribe has offered its users the blockchain-based copyright protection. Russian IP Chain together with the book web-source “Litres” starts to work with the writers on the blockchain basis. PUBLIQ creates the world’s first media blockchain-based platform to eliminate the monopoly on the author’s content of Google, Facebook and other channels.

The institutions, traditionally dealing with the creativity as it is, are also getting involved. Back in 2015, the Vienna Museum was the first in the world to buy a digital piece of art “Listeners of the Event” by the Dutch artist Harm van den Dorpel for bitcoins. Last autumn, the Moscow State Central Museum of Modern History was the first on the planet to hold the CryptoArt exhibition. All works presented there were supplied with VerisArt blockchain-based certificate. This digital document rigidly fixes all information about the art object, protecting the data from being secretly destroyed or falsified. This, of course, raises the security of transactions to a new level.

In General, blockchain changes the very principles of collecting art objects that existing for centuries.

For example, check the digital certificates linked to various pieces of art offered by Maecenas startup based on blockchain too. The user can always buy and sell these certificates through a special service Maecenas, and the deal is very similar to what they do at an average stock market.

Already this year, the creators of Maecenas intend to launch their “brainchild” and list the master pieces to invest in. Among them there are works of such artists as Renoir, Monet, Picasso, Chagall, Modigliani, Warhol and others.

A new reality for creativity

Most actively blockchain is used in various projects in the field of digital art and content. Moreover, some of these ideas are of exactly same age as the technology of blockchain is, same being at its peak.

First of all, these are the AR projects which open up exciting prospects for creative and enterprising people — in terms of either new ideas, or earning on them.

A competent combination of two mass technologies — AR and blockchain — will ensure the success of quite any service of a high quality. The first examples of such integration have already appeared on the market. For instance, the Cappasity platform is designed to exchange 3D-content. Here the blockchain technology provides a decentralized and secure storage of virtual objects in the ecosystem. Similarly, the smart contract is used for DMarket — a global marketplace for the game items (mostly based on AR) trade. The innovative project of Lampix, created to generate an augmented reality environment linked to flat surfaces, is also “tokenized”. Finally, the Decentraland gaming ecosystem, which is engaged in the development of virtual reality, has monopolized and securitized the gaming areas with the help of the blockchain registries.

The augmented reality industry is growing very fast, and now it needs global platforms for a huge amount of new content to be placed and monetized. That’s what the Arcona Digital Land is being created for! The Arcona ecosystem is a universal space where developers and artists, businessmen and enthusiasts can create AR projects together. And smart contract is necessary when it comes to protection of all the participants’ rights.

How does that work? Let’s suppose that you have conceived a new attraction in augmented reality. For example, a fascinating quest in London, an epic battle of dragons in the sky over the Colosseum or a carnival show in the middle of a snowy Palace square in St. Petersburg. To implement your idea, you’ll need to buy or rent a piece of the Arcona’s Digital Land. All terms and conditions of this transaction, by which we mean your rights to land and the system obligations in terms of technical support of your plot will be reflected in the smart contract. So, you produce your interactive content or purchase it from 3D artists and a smart contract protects your copyrights. If someone wants to take advantage of your idea and present your fantastic show somewhere else, you will know about it immediately and get your profit.

Using the Arcona marketplace you can sell your digital products, participate in the creation of the system itself, offering the ways of further development and technical solutions of your own. All this will be implemented on the basis of blockchain, which is a garanteed opportunity to earn on your talents and creativity!

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Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here