Social augmented reality: how to take care of people and not forgetting about business


By Alexey Lisovitsky

At the beginning of the year 2000 it was difficult to imagine what a powerful tool would be social communication sites. In 2004, Facebook appeared and began to quickly realize the newly discovered potential of the “flat” Internet. The final step steel was feeds: the technology of natural interaction with blocks of text and media information. There are two factors that allow us to state that this is the last significant stage in the development of web pages for monitor screens.

The first factor is the development of technologies of augmented and virtual reality. They assume interaction with information in a three-dimensional environment. The market of AR and VR has outgrown the time of startups, now it is played by leading corporations that represent their own products of global importance.

Several large platforms are fixed on the market: SteamVR, Oculus, Windows Mixed Reality, Viveport, ARKit and ARCore. Behind them — huge money and efforts of tens of thousands of people. The largest of these ecosystems in terms of the number of games and, especially, large AAA releases, is the Nintendo ecosystem.

The second factor is the advertising market, which begins to realize the empathic potential of augmented and virtual reality. Empathy is compassion, which in this case is provided by immersion of the user in the content and, accordingly, the perception of events as occurring with the user himself. Achieving this effect with an adult solvent people is extremely difficult. Empathy with the history of brands means an increase in profits.

Why the Augmented Reality

The virtual reality market is more developed, but its potential for advertising is limited. And we obviously exclude here the anti-utopian scenario, in which millions of people will go VR, replacing their lives with illusions. We foresee that VR will be present only in limited game and social scenarios, in which socially active users will dive for a few hours a week. The rest of the time people, as before, will be devoted to their reality. This is why AR is so attractive, augmenting the reality, creating new formats for its monetization that are of interest to developers, such as us, as well as advertisers and entrepreneurs.

Although in recent years VR-glasses have not left the news pages, augmented reality works on other devices, much more mass devices. These devices don’t need to be promoted or mastered cause we’re talking here about smartphones, used every day by billions of people.

The main factor — sociality

To date, the last obstacle in the mass adoption of AR was the absence in it of standard mechanisms of social interaction. The AR environment will be accepted when it offers the same experience for all, as it happened with Facebook. The emphasis on sociality is important, since it is a tool of viral involvement, when some users invite others into the system. Business expects this to happen no less than consumers.

The Arcona platform starts building social connections with the creation of a market where everyone can sell and buy digital goods and lands. This step is important as, on the basis of free commerce, users of Arcona will begin to establish communication and build a natural domestic economy. In Arcona ecosystem, people will exchange not only content and lands, but also opinions, ideas and they will look for partners to develop their own projects.

Once the basic tools are created, the development of the platform should take place in accordance with the wishes of its users. This requires global voting, which will result in the expansion and improvement of client applications, interfaces, development of territories, development of opportunities for commercialization and creativity. Of course, part of this process will be the creation of a new type of social network, in which the users’ location will get a new meaning. Local social projects are the most important element of Arcona.

Synthesis of the best

While developing the platform, we rely on the synthesis of the best achievements in the digital economy. The tools of creativity and communication for the organic existence of the entire complex system must be integrated with the tools of entrepreneurship and advertising. This is not only monetization, but also people’s control, because no one action will remain without the evaluation of users. The tokenization of Arcona decentralizes control over the content of the platform. Big capital firms influence will be reduced so that each person could receive a powerful voice.

The Arcona’s core is people. The benefits for society and the individual, as well as unique opportunities for localized communication, are the key to the platform’s success, including commercial success. The most talented businessmen will find in Arcona a fresh tool for interaction with consumers who will gladly become the audience of their actions. Aggressive, low-quality marketing, on the contrary, will meet resistance and will disappear. The natural development of supply and demand will also generate tools to combat unwanted content.

Today Arcona passes the stage of early testing. This is the moment when you can have the most significant impact on the basic capabilities of the platform. We invite you to our social accounts, to GitHub and to the site, where you can learn about our history, the concept and the team, and also offer your ideas on its development.

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Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here