Sweet Eva, a digital angel who guarantees sweet dreams, is now leading Arcona’s Token Sale campaign


(New York — Nov. X) — Sweet Angel Eva, an augmented reality (AR) character designed for children, was recently promoted to lead Arcona’s Token Sale campaign for a new project that will enable developers to deposit virtual objects anywhere in the world. Her responsibilities will include interfacing with contributors and the crypto community, as well as representing Arcona at a variety of virtual events.

Sweet Eva

Sweet Eva was created in 2016 at the request of the main investor in Piligrim XXI, the company behind Arcona.

“The investor’s children were afraid to sleep by themselves, so he told them there was a guardian angel in their bedroom,” said Ilya Korguzalov, co-founder of Piligrim XXI. “But his kids didn’t believe him because they couldn’t see the angel. That’s why we created Sweet Eva, a beautiful angel who gives children the most wonderful dreams.”

When the time came to select the face for Arcona’s Token Sale campaign, Eva was the obvious choice because of her wonderful essence and buoyant personality. Before her most recent promotion, Eva spent most of her time in a fluffy cloud. She could fly around the room, laugh when a child tickles her and fill any space with magical butterflies.

Tokyo trype

Arcona integrates the virtual and real worlds, providing a link between an augmented reality layer called the Digital Land and natural landmarks on the Earth’s surface. The project will allow users to position and manage content remotely. Arcona’s Token Sale is scheduled to take place from January 25 — February 25 where contributors will be able to acquire pieces of Digital Land starting at just $1 per square meter.

The first digitized zones will appear next year in New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Beijing, Rome, Mexico City, St. Petersburg, Istanbul and Barcelona. In an ambitious expansion and development roadmap, the company plans cover the Earth’s surface with that a layer of AR by 2019.

Piligrim XXI, Arcona’s creator, has now designed eight AR parks in France, Italy, Russia, Latvia, Estonia and Bulgaria. Through Arcona, Piligrim XXI will make its unique remote positioning algorithms and other technologies available to owners of the AR layer free of charge.

Arcona is also announcing adoption of the Bancor Protocol™ to equip the upcoming token with continuous liquidity and formulaic pricing. Arcona will dedicate up to 5% of its circulating token supply to a BNT connector which will allow its holders to convert the Arcona Token to every token in the Bancor Network™, including BNT, ETH and a long list of others. The activation will take place in the week following the successful conclusion of the Token Sale.

The partnership will guarantee the continuous liquidity of Arcona, the project’s internal currency, regardless of trade volume, and will also reduce its volatility, thanks to predictable pricing according to the Bancor Formula. Bancor’s Token Generation Event took place in June 2017, attracting more than $150 million for the protocol project.

“Just because Eva is an angel doesn’t mean she can’t do the job,” said Korguzalov. “We believe that someone who can work well with kids can also be a tremendous success in business. She has already proven herself, so our next step will be developing the AI to give Eva the ability to make her own executive decisions.”

About Piligrim XXI

Piligrim XXI has been developing AR solutions for the travel industry for more than four years. It received a grant from the Microsoft Seed Fund in 2014 and in 2015 they were ranked one of the top 10 world startups at Future en Seine in France. The company has created the first network of outdoor AR parks with a total area of 12 miles. http://www.piligrimxxi.com/presskit

About Arcona

Arcona will operate as a peer-to-peer network and an open marketplace, where producers and consumers of AR will exchange resources and pay for services using the platform’s internal tokens. Users will be able to sell content, software and the AR Digital Land layer via Arcona’s online platform. The project is based on blockchain technology to increase transparency and identify who owns what (land, content, etc.), as well as who controls transfer rights.

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About Bancor

Bancor Protocol™ is a standard for the creation of Smart Tokens™, cryptocurrencies with built-in convertibility directly through their smart contracts. Bancor utilizes an innovative token “Connector” method to enable formulaic price calculation and continuous liquidity for all compliant tokens, without needing to match two parties in an exchange. Smart Tokens interconnect to form token liquidity networks, allowing user-generated cryptocurrencies to thrive. For more information, visit the website and read the Bancor Protocol™ Whitepaper.



Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here www.arcona.io.