The Arcona Marketplace — for the Digital Lands trade

One of the major expected accomplishments of the Arcona project is the Marketplace launch which is going to be an integral part of the whole ecosystem, let’s say a hub, uniting all the community residents and enabling free trade of AR content, software, services and surely digital assets.

Till the end of the ICO, which scheduled for the 15th of July, there are still two awesome ways to get a desirable Digital Land plot pretty much for free which are: 1) to win it in a raffle and 2) to reserve it when buying arcona tokens worth 30 ETH.

After the ICO with the primary goal of introducing arcona tokens as the system currency, there will be the auctions for the tokenholders. The system currency will be used for buying the pieces of Digital Lland. So, when the Marketplace is on the Digital Land plots will be on sale at system auctions (later they will be also used for placing tasks and content).

Our team is developing the procedure and a manual dedicated to the topic, and already today we are ready to give our customers a brief depiction of how it will work for the land trades.

Once a bunch of land plots goes up for auction, a registered user can start making bets. When the auction is near its completion, things get heated, passion runs higher, and bets correspondingly go upper, too. So, when it’s done, the winner is the one whose bet was the highest. Then there is a time to calmly pay the lot transferring required amount of arcona tokens and get the customer’s nickname/wallet number for “owner”.

An important point: the user can simultaneously participate in 3 auctions, in so doing the last bid is the one that matters, and the buyer got to have enough tokens for all his “current” bids in total.

For instance, placing a bid equal to 100 tokens at one auction and intending to bid 50 tokens more at another action, the user has to hold at least 150 tokens. If the user is outbidden at one of the auctions, he is free to manage the “exempted” tokens and bid again.

And that’s how the page of auctions will look like.

It bears repeating that trading within the Arcona system will be transparent and secured by the smart contract. It will provide the identification of who owns the land. The technology of blockchain will also guarantee every content creator and programmer copyright protection and ensure automated payment for the use of their intellectual property.

The first iteration will allow to buy the plots from the system auctions. Our next step will be to arrange the auctions between all the users.

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Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here