The ICO’s end is the Arcona’s big start


On the 15th of July Arcona — the augmented reality ecosystem based on blockchain — has successfully completed its crowdsale and now is ready to get listed on exchanges. In the third quarter of 2018, the system’s tokens will simultaneously appear on several trading platforms.

During the ICO more than 9 million tokens was sold for more than 7 thousand ETH, in sum. This is 60% of total arcona tokens emission. More than 15 thousand users have become the project tokenholders as well as companies working in the field of advertising, real estate, tourism. Some of them became the owners of the Digital Land during our ICO.

The Digital Land is the main asset of the ecosystem and its absolutely unique product on the crypto market. The universal layer of augmented reality, perfectly tied to the natural landscape all over the globe will be soon available for remote AR content placement and thus remote managing of numerous interactive projects. The owner of the land plot can literally launch his OWN AR attractions in quite any part of the world without leaving home no matter if it’s an advertising / touristic service or educational / business project. We offer an incredible opportunity to make money on land assets trade, as well as to develop your own business on the basis of the most breakthrough and promising technologies: AR, blockchain, GIS, neural networks and artificial intelligence. Today more than 5 million square meters of the Arcona Digital Land has already been booked for the ecosystem participants.

How to become the Digital Land owner after ICO?

During the crowdsale, the plots of the Digital Land were raffled among new tokenholders. After it’s end the only opportunity to get one is to buy it at the system auctions. The Arcona’s trading platform will be launched in the near future and will become a space for free and mutually beneficial exchange of 3D content, software, AR/VR services and, of course, the Digital Land plots for arcona tokens.

The first plots will be sold at special auctions for the arcona tokens holders at the starting price of 1 arcona token for 1 square meter. The most interesting areas in the 10 biggest megacities, which we are digitizing first of all will fall under the gavel at the first auctions. We are talking about Paris, New York, St. Petersburg, Tokyo, Beijing, Istanbul, Rome. Barcelona, London and Mexico city. Lots in these cities are already divided into equal hexagons with the help of GIS technologies and accurate mathematical calculations, and their precise coordinates are indicated in the smart contract system. The plots are ready to get listed and are waiting for their first owners.

The first version of the Arcona Marketplace will support land auctions from the Arcona system. A little later, multi-level land trade from all the participants of the ecosystem will be available. This will allow the developers, 3D artists, lawyers, copywriters, musicians and other creative specialists, interested in the project, to interact and earn within one AR platform.
Due to the blockchain technology and corresponding decentralization, all the participants’ actions are secured and absolutely transparent. Smart contract not only allows to “check” the owners of goods and services, but also protects the copyright and intellectual property of all the participants.

Our platform offers extremely simple and convenient tools for creating and running projects in augmented reality,” says one of the founders Ilya Korguzalov. “This platform will allow almost any person to implement the most fantastic ideas without special knowledge or programming skills. Remote positioning eliminates all the restrictions that today hinder the development of the entire AR industry. This will undoubtedly open up the limitless possibilities of augmented reality technology to millions of enthusiasts”.

Arcona is on the edge of its biggest start

The funds raised during the ICO allow the team to attract top-notch specialists and to solve complex tasks related to the improvement of its own AR technology as fast as possible. These solutions will ensure timely and full-scale launch of a multi-user platform and increase the value of the system token.
We have already published the Arcona Core library and few updates during the ICO. Our original algorithms have shown the maximum speed and accuracy of the earth surface reconstruction in accordance with the data of distributed GIS. In its functionality the Arcona Core is not inferior, but in some cases goes beyond most of popular counterparts in the field of computer vision, such as OpenCV and PCloud. Moreover, due to the use of neural networks, it has huge advantages for the formation of augmented reality environment in the open space. This means that at the beginning of 2019 the mixed reality quarters will start fully functioning in the largest cities of the world. By 2020, the global network of the Arcona ecosystem will cover a 40,000 square km territory all over the planet.



Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here