Don’t miss Arcona’s YouTube AMA!

We’re excited to announce that on February 8th 2018, 8 PM GMT Arcona founder, Daniel Girdea, will be doing a YouTube AMA.

“As our community is growing rapidly (5500+ members in our Telegram Group) and our team is working hard on achieving goals, according to the roadmap, we’ve decided it is the perfect time to do a YouTube AMA where we will give our community the opportunity to ask any questions.”

Daniel will be taking questions from the Arcona Telegram Community and other social media channels. This is your chance to get the scoop on anything and everything Arcona-related directly from the source.

Daniel will answer as many questions as possible during the session. To submit a question on Telegram, just use the hashtag #AMA (for example: #AMA Why should I buy Arcona tokens?), or reach out to us on Twitter, Bitcointalk, Reddit, or any of our social media channels.

All the questions have to be sent by February 6th, 8 PM GMT.

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Arcona Augmented Reality Metaverse

A platform for remote positioning and management of the augmented reality objects powered by blockchain, more here