Ardath Amari
Ardath Amari

Ardath Amari


3 stories

Ardath Amari

Ardath Amari


5 stories

Ardath Amari

Ardath Amari


20 stories

A black squirrel eating a cracker on a fence
Picture of a young auburn haired girl in a straw hat with her lips drawn tight in what appears to be a state of anxiety.
Ardath Amari

Ardath Amari

Current Readings

4 stories

An open hand with a small silhouette cutout of a passenger jet tucked behind a rainbow bracelet
Tucker Lieberman, age 44, bald and with a goatee, crouched in a grassy meadow with white flowers and trees in the background. Wearing a collared shirt, red exercise pants, sneakers.
Ardath Amari

Ardath Amari


I've finally broken out of thinking of gender as binary, so now I'm going to talk about it.