Changing the face of education is Generative AI

Arden Robertson
2 min readOct 3, 2023


My experience with Generative AI is limited. However, after reading more about it and prompting ChatGPT with different questions, I have learned why it can be a helpful tool in the classroom. Artificial Intelligence will continue to be prevalent in the education world. Generative AI is a technology that uses algorithms to create different materials. Some specific examples of Generative AI include Midjourney and ChatGPT. Midjourney focuses on image generation and ChatGPT generates text. Many other Generative AI platforms can be used. However, ChatGPT use in the classroom is my focus.

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ChatGPT can be a beneficial tool to implement in the classroom. Students can use it when they want to brainstorm ideas for a project. If students are confused about certain material, ChatGPT can give an explanation they may understand. Students can use ChatGPT to help with their writing in the drafting and editing stages. However, students should NOT have ChatGPT complete their writing assignments for them. Students can use ChatGPT creatively for projects. Students must cite ChatGPT when using ideas from the generated text.

Although ChatGPT does have benefits there are some risks involved. ChatGPT should not be used to replace our students' thinking. Students need opportunities to problem-solve and think critically. ChatGPT is not a tool students should utilize when conducting research for a project. Information produced by ChatGPT can be incorrect. Teachers and students need to be mindful when sharing information from ChatGPT as it can deliver biased information that may be hurtful to others. One significant issue is how students are using ChatGPT to cheat on assignments.

The question then becomes: Should it be used in the classroom? There is no simple answer to this question. Various factors will impact whether it should be used including the district, grade level, and influence on instruction. Teachers will also have their thoughts and opinions about whether or not it should be used. We need to be mindful of how ChatGPT is implemented in our classrooms. There should be clear expectations set for using ChatGPT. This will help with the issue of cheating. We can specify appropriate times when using ChatGPT is allowed. Utilizing ChatGPT too much in the classroom can take away from the valuable interactions students need to have with one another. There needs to be a balance between usingChatGPT and collaborating with peers or brainstorming independently.



Arden Robertson

Arden Robertson is a graduate student at Texas State University studying Educational Technology. She received her B.S in Education from Texas A&M University.