Let’s Build a Simon Game in ReasonReact Pt. 3 Sounds 🔊

Go FFI Yourself!

Adam Recvlohe
5 min readOct 13, 2018
Reason + React + FFI 🤯

UPDATE 03/23/2020 : This post has been updated to the latest ReasonML and JavaScript ecosystem versions.

Today you will look at how to add sounds to your Simon Game. As I have said in previous posts, Reason has an excellent FFI (foreign function interface) that allows you to interoperate with JavaScript and still maintain a great level of type security 👮‍♀️. In this article, you will learn how to use Reason’s FFI to bind to the Web Audio API in order to play a sound whenever a user clicks on a colored box. Specifically, you will create a binding to the HTMLAudioElement API. You are not going to create a sound, although that would be super awesome. Instead, you will use the HTMLAudioElement API to merely play an audio file. Let’s begin.

Background 👨‍🏫

First I want to talk about FFI in the context of ReasonReact and the Web API. When you use ReasonReact you have access to the Web API because your code is being run in the context of the browser. You create a binding using the [@bs.val] directive and external keyword. A good example of this is binding to a set of functions on the window object called setTimeout and clearTimeout.

[@bs.val] external setTimeout : (unit => unit, int) => float = "setTimeout";
[@bs.val] external clearTimeout : float => unit = "clearTimeout";

Reference: https://bucklescript.github.io/docs/en/bind-to-global-values

Here is what is going, or at least how I understand it:

  • [@bs.val] declares a binding
  • external declares the bound value exists outside of the file
  • clearTimeout: float => unit the definition of the internal function name (how the function is called within Reason), it accepts a float and returns nothing, referred to as unit
  • = "clearTimeout" the name of the function it’s binding to that exists outside the file
  • = “” in some instances you will see this as an empty string, this means the internal name and external name are the same, although this is discouraged now

Web Audio API 🔊

With the knowledge above in hand let’s create a binding for the Audio constructor. It works a little differently though. It’s used as a constructor which means you instantiate it with the new keyword: new Audio(“some-audio-file.mp4”). Thankfully BuckleScript gives us a good example of how to do this using the Date constructor.

type t;
[@bs.new] external createDate : unit => t = "Date";
let date = createDate();

Reference: https://bucklescript.github.io/docs/en/class#new

Here you see the [@bs.new] binding directive. This tells BuckleScript that when it compiles this it needs to use the new keyword. Example output:

var date = new Date();

Just as in the case of the Date constructor, the Audio constructor when instantiated will return an object with more values and functions. For example:

const audio = new Audio("some-audio-file.mp4");

There are the play and pause methods. Just as before, thankfully you have an example of how to declare a constructor instance in Reason to interop with JavaScript.

class type _rect =
pub draw: unit => unit
type rect = Js.t(_rect);

Reference: https://bucklescript.github.io/docs/en/class#bind-to-js-classes

Here you are creating a class type. Just as before, you create a binding with the [@bs] directive. In this case, you have just one function, draw, which is a function that returns nothing, hence the unit => unit. This class type, or instance, can then be exported as a type using Js.t. If this is making any sense at all, you now have the requisite information to create a binding to the Audio constructor.

Let’s start with creating the type class, which will be used to refer to the Audio instance.

/* Audio.re */
class type audioInstance =
pub play: unit => unit;

For now, we only care about the play function. It is a function which takes no arguments and returns nothing.

Now you can export this class type, or instance type, using Js.t.

/* Audio.re */
type t = Js.t(audioInstance);

At this point, create a function that instantiates the external Audio constructor with the new keyword. Remember, you need to use the [@bs.new] directive.

/* Audio.re */
[@bs.new] external make: string => t = "Audio";

You are creating a binding to the “Audio” constructor that exists on the window to the internal function make. Just as Audio accepts a string to an audio resource when it is instantiated, so does make. It returns an audio instance type, known as t. The audio instance type has the method play. Did you catch all that? 😅

NOTE: Although the above works there is an even easier way to do this:

type t;
[@bs.new] external make: string => t = "Audio";
[@bs.send] external play: t => unit = "play";

The [@bs.send] directive works with JS objects to add functions to an instance of self. So instead of doing what I posted above, I think it’s easier to do it this way.

Sounds 🎶

With the Audio constructor now bound correctly to be used within Reason, create a Sound.re file in order to create audio instances for each sound in the game.

/* Sound.re */
let green =
let red =
let blue =
let yellow =
let error =

Just so you see can see the side-by-side, the generated BuckleScript output looks like this:

var green = new Audio("https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/simonSound1.mp3");var red = new Audio("https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/simonSound2.mp3");var blue = new Audio("https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/simonSound3.mp3");var yellow = new Audio("https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/simonSound4.mp3");var error = new Audio("https://s3.amazonaws.com/adam-recvlohe-sounds/error.wav");

This is just what you need. Each value now has a play method which you can call within ReasonReact.

You don’t need the error sound now but you will in the future. To be continued on that part.

Play ⏯

Now the important stuff. Let’s actually play the sound! For now, let’s just play the corresponding sound depending on which box the user clicks on.

onClick={_e => Sound.green->Audio.play)}

Yay! 🙌 Do this for each box. Start your application using yarn start and hear the sounds of accomplishment in your browser.

Summary 📝

In this article, you learned about Reason’s FFI and you bound one function from the Web Audio API. Awesome work! There is still much to learn here but hopefully binding to DOM API’s isn’t so scary anymore 👹. If you liked what I wrote consider buying me a coffee.

Thank you 🙏




Adam Recvlohe

developer, writer of prose, educator of self and others