Areeba P Sharif
2 min readAug 5, 2020

#JustStart the learning journey

Being a procrastinater (until I joined Amal Academy) I have always set goals for myself but never actually moved at a pace that made them achievable. While doing the SMART goals project work, I managed to brainstorm on how to make them literally, SMART.

Currently, I have set some tasks to learn PLC programming as it is an important tool to program and control devices being used in the Electrical industry.

1. Watch youtube tutorials to program a PLC.

2. Practice the coding, etc.

3. Be able to program a PLC variously for different operations so that you are able to solve a real world programming problem.

4. Take your first project (whether paid or unpaid) to program a PLC.

These tasks will be a babystep for my longterm goal to pursue my academics and get a job in the Electrical Engineering Industry. The world can be controlled via a computer these days and it is SUPER important to learn such softwares so that you manage the design process on the work station. I am planning to learn the trending softwares and this is #Just the #Start.

Due to my exams, I am unfortunately delaying the #JustStart’s first task i.e to watch the tutorials. BUT on the 9th of August, it is going to be a super productive day on my journey to learn PLC programming that I have been planning since ages. Hopefully, I will achieve this goal SMARTly and way before my self assigned deadline. Wish me luck!

Areeba P Sharif

An engineer in making to earn a living. Event planner, party of her own, trying my best to be a universal learner, stay kind and empathetic and give love.