Khudi(Edhi Sb )

Areeba Zaid
1 min readJun 10, 2019

Abdul Sattar Edhi a well known person for his humanity and services for needy peoples. A true “Hero” who don’t need any introduction. Its never ending services for humanitarianism. Standing alone and helping others consistently without any reward or personnel interest.

“No religion is higher than humanity” these beautiful words defines his pure thoughts and love for people.He worked on the principal of “AMAL” & “KHUDI”.He first focus on AMAL because its come first then self independence.He dreamed about to help the people he just started at initial level of his life. He don’t wait for the right time he just started with the limited resources that he had even his own pocket money.

“Just start No matter where you start and how you start”that’s the key principle for success.” His story teaches us the consistency and focused on the goals no matter how challenging it is. Never give up self believe and in yourself.

“Don’t just think but also do actions” If you dreamed about something don’t over think just do it. Don’t wait for the right time or better options just break the glass ceiling and do it.

