Fiverr scams || Beware of Fiverr Scams in 2023

5 min readJun 1, 2023

Fiverr is an online marketplace that connects freelancers with clients who require various services. While Fiverr has implemented measures to ensure the safety of its users, there have been instances of scams occurring on the platform.

Here’s some information about Fiverr scams:

1. Fiverr scams:

These refer to fraudulent activities that take place on the Fiverr platform, where either the buyer or the seller is deceived or manipulated for financial gain.

2. How Fiverr scams happen:

Fiverr scams can occur through various methods, including:

a. Fake services: Some sellers may advertise services they cannot deliver or may provide low-quality work that does not meet the buyer’s expectations.

b. Stolen portfolios: Scammers may showcase portfolios or examples of work that actually belong to other people, misleading buyers into thinking they will receive similar quality work.

c. Payment scams: Buyers may make payment outside of Fiverr to bypass fees, but this puts them at risk of not receiving the promised services. Sellers may also ask for payment upfront and disappear without delivering the work.

d. Identity theft: Scammers may impersonate legitimate sellers or buyers to gain access to personal information or exploit payment methods.

3. List of Fiverr scams around the world:

It is challenging to provide an exhaustive list of Fiverr scams worldwide as they can vary in nature and evolve over time. However, common scams involve sellers not delivering the promised services, providing subpar work, or disappearing after receiving payment.

4. Cons of Fiverr scams:

Fiverr scams can have several negative consequences, including:

a. Financial loss: Buyers may lose money by paying for services they do not receive or receiving poor-quality work that does not meet their requirements.

b. Wasted time and effort: Sellers may spend significant time and effort working on projects that they never receive payment for, affecting their livelihood.

c. Reputation damage: Scammers can harm the reputation of legitimate sellers by tarnishing the overall perception of the platform.

Here’s some additional information about Fiverr scams:

5. Common Fiverr scams:

a. Fake reviews: Some sellers may use fake accounts to post positive reviews about their own services, artificially boosting their reputation and misleading buyers.

b. Bait and switch: Sellers may initially offer a service at a low price to attract buyers, but then try to upsell or provide a lower-quality service once the buyer has committed.

c. Plagiarism: Scammers may claim to offer original content creation services but deliver plagiarized work, potentially resulting in copyright issues for the buyer.

d. Communication manipulation: Scammers may use persuasive tactics or misleading information during communication to convince buyers to make payments or disclose sensitive information.

6. Red flags to watch out for:

a. Unrealistic promises: Be cautious of sellers who promise extraordinary results or guarantees that seem too good to be true.

b. Lack of communication or responsiveness: If a seller is unresponsive, delays communication, or avoids answering specific questions, it could be a sign of a potential scam.

c. Poor reviews or ratings: Check the seller’s feedback and ratings from previous buyers. Multiple negative reviews or a lack of reviews may indicate a risky transaction.

7. Reporting scams:

If you encounter a scam on Fiverr, it’s essential to report it to Fiverr’s customer support. They have dedicated teams to investigate and take appropriate actions against scammers. You can contact Fiverr support through their website or by reaching out to them via email.

8. Protecting yourself:

To minimize the risk of falling victim to Fiverr scams, consider the following precautions:

a. Research sellers: Look into the seller’s profile, reviews, and ratings before making a purchase. Verify their credibility and ensure their expertise matches your requirements.

b. Use Fiverr’s messaging system: Communicate with sellers solely through Fiverr’s messaging system to maintain a record of conversations and evidence in case of disputes.

c. Utilize Fiverr’s payment system: Stick to Fiverr’s built-in payment system to ensure the transaction is secure and provides protection against fraudulent activities.

d. Trust your instincts: If something feels off or suspicious during the interaction with a seller, trust your intuition and consider finding an alternative.

9. Phishing and malware:

Scammers may send fraudulent emails or messages claiming to be from Fiverr or its representatives. These messages often ask for personal information or contain malicious links or attachments. Be cautious of such messages and avoid clicking on suspicious links or providing sensitive information.

10. Fiverr’s efforts to combat scams:

Fiverr has implemented several measures to address scams and protect its users. These include:

a. User verification: Fiverr verifies the identity of its users through email verification and by linking social media accounts, adding an extra layer of trust.

b. Ratings and reviews: Fiverr’s rating and review system allows buyers to provide feedback on their experience with sellers. This helps other users make informed decisions and identifies potential scams.

c. Dispute resolution: Fiverr provides a dispute resolution process where buyers and sellers can report issues and seek resolution for problems encountered during a transaction.

d. Trust and Safety team: Fiverr has a dedicated Trust and Safety team that monitors the platform for suspicious activities, investigates reported scams, and takes appropriate action against fraudulent users.

11. Educating yourself about Fiverr:

Familiarize yourself with Fiverr’s terms of service, community guidelines, and policies to understand your rights and responsibilities as a user. Knowing what to expect and what is considered acceptable behavior on the platform can help you avoid scams.

12. Awareness of external transactions:

It’s important to conduct all transactions within Fiverr’s platform. Avoid engaging in transactions outside of Fiverr, as this increases the risk of scams and eliminates the protection provided by the platform.

13. Seeking assistance from Fiverr support:

If you have any doubts, questions, or concerns about a potential scam or an ongoing transaction, don’t hesitate to reach out to Fiverr’s customer support. They can provide guidance, address your concerns, and assist you in resolving any issues that may arise.

By being informed, cautious, and proactive, you can minimize the likelihood of falling victim to scams on Fiverr and have a safer experience on the platform.

To protect yourself from Fiverr scams, it is important to exercise caution and follow best practices such as thoroughly researching sellers, reading reviews, communicating clearly about project requirements, using Fiverr’s payment system, and reporting any suspicious activity to Fiverr’s customer support.



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