Whatsapp scams in 2023: Stay Alert, Stay Safe

3 min readMay 28, 2023


WhatsApp scams refer to fraudulent activities carried out through the popular messaging platform, WhatsApp. Scammers often exploit the trust and widespread usage of WhatsApp to trick users into providing personal information, spreading malware, or sending money. Understanding the common types of WhatsApp scams, adopting preventive measures, and staying vigilant can help protect you from falling victim to these scams.

Types of WhatsApp Scams:

1. Fake Lottery or Prize Scams: Scammers send messages claiming that the recipient has won a lottery or prize and request personal information or payment to release the winnings. Remember that legitimate lotteries do not require upfront fees or personal information.

2. WhatsApp Verification Code Scam: Scammers pose as someone you know and send a message claiming they have accidentally sent you a WhatsApp verification code. They ask you to share the code with them, allowing them to take over your WhatsApp account. Never share verification codes with anyone.

3. WhatsApp Gold or Premium Scam: Scammers claim that WhatsApp is offering a premium version called “WhatsApp Gold” with exclusive features. They provide a link to download the fake version, which may contain malware or steal your personal data. Stick to downloading apps from official sources like Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

4. Investment or Money-Making Scams: Scammers promise lucrative investment opportunities, work-from-home schemes, or easy money-making methods through WhatsApp. Be cautious of unsolicited messages and offers that sound too good to be true. Research thoroughly before investing or sharing personal information.

5. Phishing Scams: Scammers send messages or links that imitate official WhatsApp communications or popular brands. These messages may ask for personal details, credit card information, or login credentials. Always verify the legitimacy of messages and refrain from clicking suspicious links.

Tips to Stay Safe from WhatsApp Scams:

1. Be cautious of unsolicited messages: If you receive a message from an unknown sender or a suspicious offer, exercise caution and avoid engaging with such messages.

2. Verify sources and information: Double-check the authenticity of information, offers, or requests received through WhatsApp by contacting the relevant person or organization through a known and verified channel.

3. Guard personal information: Refrain from sharing personal details, financial information, or verification codes with unknown or untrusted individuals.

4. Enable two-step verification: WhatsApp offers a two-step verification feature that adds an extra layer of security to your account. Enable it by going to WhatsApp Settings > Account > Two-step verification.

5. Install reputable security software: Install and regularly update reputable antivirus or security software on your mobile device to detect and prevent malware or phishing attempts.

6. Educate yourself and others: Stay informed about the latest WhatsApp scams and educate your friends and family about the risks. Sharing knowledge and awareness can help prevent scams from spreading.

How to Get Rid of WhatsApp Scams:

If you have already fallen victim to a WhatsApp scam, here are some steps to take:

1. Report the scam: Within WhatsApp, open the chat with the scammer, tap on their name at the top, scroll down, and select “Report.” This will notify WhatsApp of the scam.

2. Block and delete the scammer: Block the scammer to prevent further communication and delete any messages or files they sent to you.

3. Secure your account: Change your WhatsApp account password and enable two-step verification to prevent unauthorized access.

4. Inform your contacts: Warn your contacts about the scam, especially if the scammer gained access to your account and could have contacted them.

5. Monitor your accounts: Keep an eye on your financial and online accounts for any unauthorized activity. If necessary, contact your bank or relevant service providers to report the scam and take appropriate actions.

Remember, staying vigilant, being skeptical of suspicious messages, and following preventive measures are crucial in protecting yourself from WhatsApp scams.




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