How To Sell Your Cables On eBay — Understanding Resonant Wireless Charging

Areez Bhanji
3 min readSep 18, 2019


When was the last time you saw the battery icon on your phone glow red? Was it a month ago, yesterday on the go train, or is it right now, as you’re reading this? For me, it was today, and I was searching for my phone’s charging cable, about to bump my head. (I don’t recommend it.)

This small experience represents the plight of so many people with one major problem: too many cables! Sure, it’s not global warming, but it might solve some head injuries!

Tell me if this scene looks familiar. (Actually, don’t clog up the comments with the word “Yes”.) Cables, strewn over a desk. You, searching for the one cable that could stop your computer from dying in the next 30 seconds. Whether you succeed or fail is inconsequential (to me). What is not inconsequential is the fact that you actually have to do this! In this day and age, are you seriously telling me that we still have to use cables to charge our computers and phones?!

What I’m telling you today is that you don’t have to use those lousy, breakable cables. Because over the course of humanity’s 200 000 year stay on Earth, we’ve invented wireless charging.

The concept sounds futuristic and science-fictiony in nature. No more cables? Egad!

However, with the advent of a form of wireless charging known as resonant wireless charging, your cables are about to go extinct.

So how does this new technology work? Well, resonant wireless charging occurs when you take two coils, tuned to the same resonant frequency (usually around 6.78 Mhz), and apply an electric current to one (known as the transmitter). The transmitter then generates a magnetic field. Based on the principle of coupling, once the other coil (or the receiver) is within range, it converts this magnetic energy back into electrical energy, with which you can charge your phone and computer, astound your colleagues, and search up other examples.

By the way, the “and” in that last sentence was not a typo. One of the major perks of resonant wireless charging is that any receiver tuned to the right frequency can convert magnetic energy to electric energy, so long as it is within the magnetic field generated by the transmitter. This means that you only need one charger to charge your phone and computer (astounding, right?)!

Don’t worry, it gets better. The magnetic field generated by the transmitter goes through wood, concrete, walls, and other materials, so you can put your transmitter underneath your desk and never worry about cables again!

The best part: Despite being an extremely young technology, a well-designed resonant charging system can reach 94% efficiency! (By extremely young, I mean younger than me!) Basically, by abandoning 6% efficiency (for now), you can donate your cables to charity! (Or sell them on eBay.)

Resonant wireless charging may be complex, but it has huge potential to disrupt some major industries, and become a game-changer in how we transmit energy.

If you’re interested in wireless energy, blockchain, or AI, go ahead and connect with me:




Areez Bhanji

14-year-old blockchain developer and machine learning enthusiast.