My Response Letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee

Amanda Renteria
2 min readJul 7, 2017


June 30, 2017


Senator Charles E. Grassley

United States Senate

Committee on the Judiciary

Washington, DC 20510–6275

Dear Senators Grassley, Feinstein, Graham, and Whitehouse,

I am writing in response to the letter you emailed to me dated June 22. So that your investigation can move forward as quickly as possible, I’m replying 7 days ahead of your requested deadline.

As a longtime public servant and former Chief of Staff in the US Senate, I’m very grateful that your committee is investigating Russia’s efforts to interfere with our democracy, distract the FBI, and harm innocent Americans. For me personally, it was absolutely chilling to learn that I had been the victim of a Russian misinformation campaign. I hope that through your investigation you will figure out why I was targeted and how to protect other American citizens from attacks like these in the future.

In that spirit, I am prepared to help you and your committee in any way that I can. As requested, I’ve provided answers to each of your questions below.


Question 1:

Did anyone from the FBI ever contact you to ask about emails, memos, or reports such as those described in these media reports? If so, when were you contacted and what did you discuss?

No. I was never contacted by the FBI about anything related to these media reports. The FBI never asked me about any emails, memos, or reports described in the media reports listed in your June 22nd letter.

Question 2:

What communications, if any, did you have with then-Attorney General Lynch, her staff, her associates, or any other Department of Justice officials in 2015 and 2016 related to the Clinton email investigation? Please describe the communications and provide all related records.

I did not have any communications with then-Attorney General Lynch, her staff, her associates, or any other Department of Justice officials in 2015 and 2016 related to the Clinton email investigation. Accordingly, I have no related records.

Question 3:

Have you ever had communications with Rep. Wasserman Schultz, her staff, her associates, or any other current or former DNC officials related to any communications described in Question 2 above? If so, please describe the communications and provide all records of them.

No. As stated above, there were no such communications with then-Attorney General Lynch, her staff, her associates, or any other Department of Justice officials. Therefore, I did not have any communications with Rep. Wasserman Schultz, her staff, her associates, or any other current or former DNC officials related to any communications described in Question 2. Accordingly, I have no related records.


As mentioned above, I would be happy to help you in any way that I can. Please don’t hesitate to contact me again if I can be helpful in any other way.


Amanda Renteria



Amanda Renteria

Candidate for Governor of California. Proud Public Servant: CA Dept of Justice, HFA, US Senate, City of San Jose, Woodlake H.S.