Development team update, Achievement count in 1 year of work

5 min readMar 14, 2019


hi to all, it has been a while since our last update, but we continue working for the best of the project and try to make a summary, as brief as possible, since then it has been more than 1 year of work, and many things have happened , and in fact we would like to make a recount of everything, since, many goals were achieved, despite the fact that the original developer during the course of 2016 and the end of 2017 abandoned the project and was active for approximately 2 years.

Arepacoin, was born on September 25, 2016, in the following link you can see the original launch

Despite this, the project was reborn from the ashes, that is, from 0, with a restructuring of the original code, thanks to one of the developers, such as @ ElpidioMC, who is the only one who has worked on the source code for the moment, while the other developers like @grmach in the field of web programming and other things.

Then a new block chain from 0, something that was not expected from the beginning, tried to contact the exchange house (Unique that had the currency and copy of the blockchain) originally Tradesatochi, but the same refused to give connection to the previous block chain. So by decision of the current development team, the chain starts again, on January 11, 2018 in a semi-planned manner, since the development knowledge of the block chain was a bit low.

Mining begins decentrally, without premier, similar to bitcoin, it starts with a reward of 325 AREPA per block, as it is written in the code originally. The mining is launched to the public on February 10, 2018 in the official telegram group, with several members, which spread to several known communities, especially in the community of Bolivarcoin, which had already been known for some time. The first 10,000 blocks, were mined with CPU in the official group that had approximately 250 community members something extremely fair for all.

In this sense, in the original code, a block maximum was written for the 10,000 PoW mining and then the currency would go to a PoS mining stage, and that’s how it happened. It was decided to make a re-launch in the bitcointalk forum despite some cryptic, initially, the coin was well accepted by the community and miners. After the activation of the PoW mining, was a big step for the currency, since it is important for its distribution in a decentralized way, unlike the PoS when it is single. The hybrid PoW / PoS mining to our consideration is the most perfect way to carry a crypto, the PoS rewards the miners, with 3% per year and the PoW mining, as we have said before, the distribution is more decentralized and fair.

After this, it was needed an exchange, which was home exchange that closed for hacking at the same time arepacoin had entered even their external wallets retained a significant amount of coins, you still do not know exactly what happened with the coins trapped in, in case you are curious, you can see inside the block chain htm

Finally, the rest was organizational work, most of all for revision, although it has never been had an exact roadmap, one of the ideas that is not left aside is to continue contacting more exchange houses.

The market started with a value of almost 0, despite this, it does not discourage us at all, like everything, the price, the important thing, is the value of the project

Current exchanges

In spite of everything, we are currently trading on 5 Exchange, which we can see as a great achievement

Events held

We can add, thanks to the collaboration, of Gabriel Lara, event made several educational event, on the blockchain and also on arepacoin, the videos can be watched on our channel, here the first one is shown.

Listed in Coinmarketcap

Possibly, one of the most important achievements, you can enter Coinmarketcap for its acronym in English (CMC) for the listing news of the Exchange Graviex on the same platform

This great news, was partly of help, since it was given to know the currency from all sides, and not only that, but, the impact was seen in the price quickly

And I do not know if I get news from several media, this is this article

Listing finally recovered in tradesatochi

One of the surprises, and one that was least imagined, was listed again in tradesatochi, although it had been lost, the Exchange decided to list the coin again, which was good news for the whole community, since We do not depend on 1 single Exchange.

Goals for 2019

Despite the fact that 2018 was a good year, since we started from 0, today we can say that we already have a structure already made, which was not done 1 year ago.

One of the current objectives is the implementation as a method of payment, in much of Venezuela, but there is still much to be done for them, also, to make people aware of the advantages of the cryptocurrency and also of arepa.

If nothing else to say, the arepacoin team is dismissed

