Leave Dynex alone!

4 min readMay 26, 2023


It’s been a fun run looking up the different materials around Dynex and trying to make sense of it. But we need to move on to other things, there’s not much more to see around this. Just as a recap for those in the future we have this post for the future generations to find from this period sparked by the amateur nature of the project and some legitimate security questions for anyone investing in novel cryptocurrencies like Dynex.

What we are quite certain of:

  • Dynex has a fully functional Cryptonight fork blockchain with a custom DynexSolve mining algorithm that sends and receives data via FTP
  • Daniel Mattes and his Q.Solutions venture have been involved in this. That name and the persons traits are just too evident to ignore.
  • The DynexSolve SAT solver does work, but the messaging was clearly overhyped and it is peculiar that they want to hide that fact. Claiming to be unbeatable when in fact, they could have been beaten on day 0 by the YalSAT solver. Seems like an unlikely omission, tbh.
  • The operations part of this project is a joke. DevOps, version control and other software development practises for this project are incredibly poor. Doesn’t even seem they are running any tests for anything. The worst offender is that dude who wrote that explorer PHP code and ran it from his Apache server via dyndns.org. Don’t do this as a day job.
  • Somebody has spent a ton of money to get this thing off the ground, with investments in the CEX listings as well as the Trezor integration. Where is the money from? Could be that branch of the family office — Ardys Fintech B.V. Q.Holdings, but then again Adrys exited Q.Holdings in May of 2022. Did it go south? Or is this Daniel’s last big bet on own?
  • All in all, this seems like way too much work for just a quick buck. Don’t see why anyone would go through all this work for a scam. Did they not know they could just pump a token to high heavens and leave totally anonymously? Did they really think they need to put some work into it?

Then there are things that we don’t quite understand:

  • Why is it so important to keep your identity hidden, Daniel? Or could it really be someone going through incredible effort to fake them as you.
  • Why no answers any uncomfortable questions? Blocking people, deleting messages from Discord and tickets on GitHub is unprofessional if not even downright rude and adds to the suspicion. The SAT whack-a-mole was strange and deleting the Dynex bitcoin talk thread was weak.
  • Is the distributed SAT solver you are building really so special and world changing? Is it really o proprietary that someone else can’t just repeat what you’ve done? Can you expand beyond your SAT thingamajig? Or was your plan with the short emission to fake it till you make it with the MemComputing REST API as the tokenomics work in your favour?
  • What is the deal with that CALI company? Seems kinda legit, but also like a complete joke with their 3D offices and that one guy posting some of his living room pictures on GitHub. Did you let him in on the whole thing plan or is he really voluntarily working on the client wallet?
  • Daniel, the SAT solver is clearly based on the University of California DMM research. That technology has already been commercialized by the inventors through Memcomputing Inc. Is it that that is keeping you want to be private? Do you know you cannot use that legally? Is this out of desire to “unleash it to the world” out of the goodness of your heart?

Ultimately we think there’s a fifty-fifty chance that you are trying to build something real. You get an A for effort, but a D for execution — incredibly amateurish on many levels. A high probability is that you know you are using technology you do not have a license for and are trying to wiggle out of that. It is clear the world will know that “Sumitomo” is Daniel Mattes.

We really want Dynex to be real. It just stinks like it’s not what you advertise it to be. We want to believe in you Daniel, but now it’s time for girls to have some fun. Maybe we’ll even meet you at der Graben some fine Saturday.


die Steiner-Schwestern

Some links for reference:

