What Exercise Burns the Most Calories?

4 min readJun 4, 2023

The number of calories burned during exercise depends on various factors, including your weight, intensity of the exercise, and duration of the activity. Generally, exercises that involve high-intensity movements and engage multiple large muscle groups tend to burn more calories.we burn 1500 to 2000 calories a day by just going through our daily lives.” But a 300-pound person who is taller is going to burn more calories than a 150-pound, shorter person burns because the more you weigh, the more energy it takes for your body to function.

Here’s some additional information about each exercise:

1-Running: Running is a popular aerobic exercise that can be done both outdoors and on a treadmill. It is a high-impact exercise that engages multiple muscle groups, including the legs, core, and upper body. The number of calories burned during running depends on factors such as your weight, speed, and intensity level. Running at a moderate to fast pace can help you burn around 600–850 calories per hour.

2-Jumping Rope: Jumping rope is a simple yet effective exercise that can be done anywhere. It is a great cardio workout that engages the entire body, especially the leg muscles. Jumping rope vigorously can increase your heart rate and burn calories. It is estimated that jumping rope can burn about 600–800 calories per hour.

3-High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): HIIT workouts involve alternating between short bursts of intense exercise and periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. This type of training can be highly effective for calorie burning and improving cardiovascular fitness. HIIT workouts can vary in duration and exercises performed, but they generally burn around 500–800 calories per hour. Examples of HIIT exercises include burpees, jumping jacks, high knees, and mountain climbers.

4-CrossFit: CrossFit is a high-intensity fitness program that combines elements of strength training, cardiovascular exercises, and functional movements. It incorporates various exercises such as weightlifting, running, rowing, and bodyweight movements. CrossFit workouts are known for their intensity and ability to burn calories. Depending on the workout and its duration, CrossFit sessions can burn approximately 500–700 calories per hour.

5-Cycling: Cycling is a low-impact exercise that can be done on stationary bikes or outdoors. It is a great cardiovascular workout that targets the leg muscles, particularly the quadriceps and hamstrings. The number of calories burned while cycling depends on factors such as your speed, intensity, and resistance level. Cycling at a fast pace or participating in a spin class can help you burn around 500–700 calories per hour.

6-Swimming: Swimming is a full-body workout that provides both cardiovascular and strength training benefits. It is a low-impact exercise that is gentle on the joints. Swimming laps at a vigorous pace can increase your heart rate and help burn calories. The calorie burn during swimming can range from 400–700 calories per hour, depending on the stroke, intensity, and speed.

7-Rowing: Rowing is a total-body exercise that engages the muscles of the upper body, core, and legs. It is a low-impact exercise that can provide both cardiovascular and strength benefits. Rowing vigorously can burn a significant number of calories. The calorie burn during rowing can range from 400–700 calories per hour, depending on your intensity and technique.

Remember that these calorie estimates are approximations and can vary depending on individual factors. It’s essential to listen to your body, start at a comfortable level, and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts for safe and effective results.




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