The Deep-State Pivot: The Russian Narrative Fails, Let’s Try Civil War

5 min readAug 16, 2017


I’m not a fan of alarmist tactics, promising the sky is falling around every turn, sensationalist hype that does far more harm than good to the cause of those who seek truth in a prudent and intellectually disciplined manner. I’m convinced now: this is not a speculative leap. This is extremely serious, and it’s happening right now, and I’m beginning to feel it’s essentially unavoidable.

If you watch the controlled-press closely enough, monitoring the narratives and talking points they take on to most effectively manipulate and control the cultural narrative, their tactics begin to reveal themselves. They become transparent and predictable, it’s as if you’ve been handed a copy of their script, and time and time again you can predict whats coming, and how it’s likely to evolve and take shape.

Pulling back for a moment to take a broad level view: We have a deep-state in this nation, an unelected cabal that has fleeced this nation to a mind boggling degree, orienting our trade and policies and gov’t to benefit banks, globalist multinationals, enriching themselves while destroying the middle class in this nation. For decades, they dominated the political sphere: Both candidates would bow and kiss the ring, or they’d be crucified on the nat’l stage, with the controlled press virtually guaranteeing their defeat.

Seemingly out of nowhere, a man comes along with the expressed intent of destroying the entire corrupt edifice, and the most unexpected thing occurs: A wave of populism fueled by a profound mistrust of the controlled press helps cause the biggest election upset in American history. As Trump begins to enforce border laws and rewrite trade agreements, employment soars and the middle class begins to recover, and the corrupt swamp structure takes significant hit to their bottom line.

In order to blunt his inertia, and marginalize the man and his agenda (and, ideally, impeach), the Russian narrative is created. Unprecedented in our nation’s history, a story is created out of whole cloth, with absolutely no factual basis, and at least among some social circles, actually manages to sprout legs, and be discussed with straight faces by seemingly serious individuals. Despite the fact that the DNC hack was proven to have occurred by someone physically present at the DNC servers (not remotely, thus not a ‘hack’ from the Russians), despite the fact that Wikileaks all but directly outs Seth Rich as their source (the man killed on DC streets in a ‘robbery’ in which nothing was stolen), the controlled press unifies behind the narrative and marches in lock-step. If you’re an American, working 9–5, not having the time or inclination to obsessively follow the disgusting charade we call American politics, chances are good that this unity of messaging caused you to take pause: We can’t help but be shaped by our informational inputs, even when we’re skeptical of them, when the same story is coming from all sides, with professional looking and serious sounding individuals are saying the same things and telling us to be deeply afraid.

Despite months of aggressively pushing this narrative in the most histrionic and fear-mongering manner, polls and focus groups showed the public wasn’t buying it. The swamp panics. With trillions of dollars at stake, and ultimate power over the most powerful nation in the world hanging in the balance, they opt for the contingency plan: Civil war.

Over several months of BLM activists assassinating police in the streets, and the Soros-funded paramilitary organization Antifa assaulting protestors in the streets, destroying commercial property, burning American flags and encouraging violence as the solution, the media remained deathly silent. Crickets could be heard. Far worse, the controlled press in this nation touted these organizations as positive forces, in the brief periods between murders and atrocities, presumably when they thought they could get away with it without causing overflowing public outrage.

It seemed the controlled press was fine with violence in the streets, numerous murders in the name of the advancement of a racial or political cause.

Then Charlottesville happened. So much about this incident is bewildering, and I won’t cover it here, but strongly encourage readers to dig more deeply. What we do know is that the hard left mayor tried to deny the permit for the ‘Unite the Right’ march, the permit was granted anyway, and the police were subsequently ordered to funnel the marchers directly into the Antifa/etc protestors, waiting with bats, canisters of human piss, pepper spray and sticks. Inexplicably, Governor McAuliffe had also issued an order to police to stand down, to stand by and watch as the violence occurred. This is not a misprint, you read correctly: An American Gov orders his police to sit by and watch as a mini Civil War erupts on our streets, seemingly in order to cultivate political talking points for later use.

Even more inexplicably, a man unconnected to any of the groups marching steps on the gas, as his car is attacked from behind by Antifa protesters, crashing into people and cars, before immediately backing up to flee the trail of destruction.

Immediately, before knowing a single detail about the incident or driver, every major media outlet is on the scene, decrying the incident with a fervor normally reserved for 9/11-magnitude events. Talking points locked and loaded, panels convened, our nation was immediately launched into its next narrative, aimed at causing complete marginalization, impeachment (or worse) of our president. Welcome to the new narrative, welcome to the new era. Get ready for months of this.

This is what’s most infuriating: The swamp is proving they’d sooner see this nation torn apart at the seams and spark civil/racial warfare than lose their grip on power and the benefits it yields them. What’s additionally infuriating is that these mind-control tactics still work on a large subset of our population. You’re here reading this on, proving that you’re likely skeptical of traditional narratives, and seek additional perspectives. . . you are still the minority. Unfortunately, independent thinkers are no island: We are permanently anchored to the rest of the population which digests their news/entertainment in a much more superficial, casual manner, and hasn’t yet cultivated that same skepticism. When the media units to push a narrative, they take half of our nation with them. This is a recipe for disaster.

I’ll put it bluntly: CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WaPo/etc are being used as willing tools to ignite civil unrest, as a means to unseat a democratically elected president. There is no exaggeration or mischaracterization too extreme for these corrupt shills: If they think they can get away with a given story/narrative/bias, they will do so. Their newfound aim is to stoke fear, anger, hatred and discontent, by any means necessary, against those will still prize the western traditions of personal responsibility, hard work, discipline, honesty, loyalty, family, and especially those that harbor a belief in a higher power.

Time is short. Seek to wake others in a non-patronizing/sermonizing manner, keeping in mind there are still several on the other side who are good people with noble motives operating under the effects of a cultural poison. Please do your part, whatever that might be. This is a battle for hearts and minds, and the stakes couldn’t possibly be higher. As difficult as it might be at present, try to remain focused on love, and a positive future.. not hatred and pettiness. Realize that the disgusting swamp creatures behind the curtain would love nothing more than to see America devolve into absolute chaos, and have some lunatic take a shot at the duly elected Commander in Chief. If/When this happens, the atmosphere in this nation will devolve into something utterly unprecedented in human history.

Maintain the noble high ground, hold the line. . . and be ready for anything.




Striving for clarity of thought and communication in a profoundly confused world. A fan of western culture.