CS 373 Fall 2023: Adriana Reyes

Adriana Reyes
2 min readNov 13, 2023


Blog Post #10: Week of 6 November — 12 November 2023

What did you do this past week?

This week was kinda chill for me. I hung out with some high school buds, which was cool since I haven’t seen them in a while. School-wise, I mostly focused on chemistry and algorithms stuff. Exams are after the break, but I’m trying to prep better for this last set of exams by starting earlier and rewatching lectures, reading the textbook, and doing practice problems.

What’s in your way?

I think right now I’ve been procrastionating a lot and thinking I can do a lot of work over Thanksgiving break but a part of me also knows it would probably be beter to get them out of the way now. It’ll be nice to kick back with family before tackling finals. I’ve got two exams right after we get back and another during the regular finals time, so I’m gonna try to get in some study time over break.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I’m prepping for a marketing exam on Thursday and have a case study due on Tuesday. So I’ve got to write that essay for Tuedays case and go through slides and textbooks for the exam. It’s the last exam, so I’m trying to start early in the week to make sure I really understand the material.

What did you think of Paper #12. Why extends is evil

Paper #12 made it very clear that using the “extends” keyword can introduce complications. This shortcut might seem convenient, but it obscures the complexities of inheritance and may lead to unintended consequences. Problems can arise when the base class is unaware of changes made by subclasses, illustrating the importance of careful consideration when utilizing such keywords.

What did you think of of subqueries and strategy pattern?

Subqueries in SQL are a solid tool. They help grab and tweak data in a more flexible way, making database stuff smoother. And the strategy pattern in software design is allows for more complex and dynamic queries, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of database operations.It also lets you switch out algorithms easily, keeping your code modular and easy to manage.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tio-of-the-week is to get the GitHub Desktop app. I started using it earlier this semester and its nice becuase it puts the git repo information in a GUI. You do most commands (push, commit, pull, etc) on the app instead of typing them out in the terminal.

