Maximizing Application Performance with Kotlin Coroutine Dispatchers

Arfin Hosain
2 min readApr 18, 2023


Kotlin Coroutine Dispatchers

Kotlin coroutines are a lightweight concurrency design pattern that allows you to write asynchronous, non-blocking code in a sequential, synchronous style.

When using coroutines, it’s important to understand the concept of “Dispatchers”. Dispatchers help determine the thread on which a coroutine task should be executed.

Kotlin provides several built-in dispatchers, such as Dispatchers.Default, Dispatchers.IO, Dispatchers.Mainand Dispatchers.Unconfined, that are optimized for different types of tasks.


Dispatchers.Default is a dispatcher that is optimized for CPU-intensive tasks.

Here are some example use cases:

  • Image processing
  • Math calculations
  • Sorting and searching
  • Parsing and serializing data

However, it’s important to note that Dispatchers.Default should not be used for blocking I/O operations, as this can cause the thread pool to become saturated and reduce the overall performance of your application.


In a nutshell, Dispatchers.IOis a dispatcher that is optimized for I/O-bound tasks.

Here are some example use cases:

  • Network requests
  • File I/O
  • Database access
  • Image loading and saving
  • Audio and video processing


Dispatchers.Main is a dispatcher that is optimized for UI-related tasks. When you launch a coroutine with Dispatchers.Main , the coroutine runs on the main thread of your application, which is responsible for updating the user interface and handling user input.

Here are some example use cases:

  • Updating the user interface
  • Handling user input and interactions
  • Animations and transitions
  • Displaying notifications and alerts


Dispatchers.Unconfined is a dispatcher that does not impose any specific thread constraints on the coroutine. It runs coroutines on whatever thread is calling them,

Here are some example use cases:

  • Operations that need to run on a specific thread
  • Operations that need to switch threads
  • Operations that are not bound to any particular thread

However, it’s important to note that Dispatchers.Unconfined should be used with caution, as it can lead to unexpected behavior if not used correctly. It is generally recommended to use one of the other built-in dispatchers, such as Dispatchers.Default , Dispatchers.IO , or Dispatchers.Main , unless you have a specific reason to use Dispatchers.Unconfined.



Arfin Hosain

Passionate and self-taught Android developer. Making awesome android apps with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose