Deep Dive: The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in Agile Environments

Alessandro Ferreira
3 min readOct 31, 2023

Mastering the backbone of software development within Scrum, Kanban, and beyond.

Introduction to SDLC

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is more than just a series of steps—it’s the pulse of the software development industry. It guides software from ideation to retirement, ensuring top-notch production.

Sample of implementation

SDLC: A Step-by-Step Breakdown

Each phase of SDLC is crucial, ensuring the software's reliability and relevance:

1. Planning:

Stakeholders and project managers define the software’s purpose, scope, and timeline.

2. Analysis:

Requirements are critically analyzed for feasibility and clarity.

3. Design:

The software’s architectural blueprint is formulated.

4. Implementation:

This phase breathes life into the software through coding.

5. Testing:

Rigorous assessments detect and rectify issues.

6. Deployment:

The software is introduced to users, either fully or incrementally.

7. Maintenance:

Regular updates and modifications ensure the software remains cutting-edge.

SDLC in Agile: Scrum and Kanban

Agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban have revolutionized software development. Let's see how SDLC aligns with them:


  • Development is broken into time-boxed iterations called "Sprints," typically lasting two to four weeks.
  • Each Sprint can be viewed as a mini-SDLC, with planning, analysis, design, coding, and testing in a condensed timeframe.
  • "Review" and "Retrospective" ceremonies at each Sprint’s end align with the maintenance phase for continuous improvement.


  • Kanban is flow-based, emphasizing work-in-progress limits.
  • SDLC stages can be visualized as columns on a Kanban board, ensuring attention to each phase and quick identification of bottlenecks.
  • Its continuous flow aligns well with SDLC’s ongoing nature.

Measuring SDLC: Metrics for Leaders and Managers

To ensure continuous improvement, leaders and managers need quantifiable data. Here's how to collect and utilize essential metrics:

Image from klipfolio

1. Velocity:

Measure completed story points per Sprint to forecast work and gauge team capacity.

2. Cycle Time:

Track the duration for a task to move through the process to assess workflow efficiency.

3. Bug Rate:

Monitor post-release bugs to identify issues in testing or requirement analysis.

4. Commit-to-Deploy Time (CDT):

Assess deployment pipeline efficiency.

5. Work in Progress (WIP):

Count ongoing tasks to identify bottlenecks and ensure a balanced workflow.

6. Feedback Loop Duration:

Track time from issue identification to implementation to measure adaptability.

7. Stakeholder Satisfaction:

Gauge alignment with stakeholder expectations post-release via surveys or feedback.

Using the Metrics:

Present metrics in dashboards or visual reports for decision-making, improvements, and team alignment.

Core Benefits of SDLC

Enhanced Project Management:

Clear roadmaps lead to efficient management.

  • Risk Management: Early identification and mitigation of potential pitfalls.
  • Continuous Improvement: Feedback loops enable iterative refinements.


The SDLC remains the cornerstone of quality software development, especially when aligned with Agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban. Intertwining these processes ensures that software development is both innovative and methodologically sound.

