Top 3 Augmented Reality Trends 2018

Argo Project
3 min readFeb 23, 2018


Now we all understand — feature will be about VR, but recent announcements from Apple and Google suggested “AR will be bigger and take longer”. Digi-Capital reported that AR (mobile AR, smartglasses) could approach three and a half billion installed base and $85 billion to $90 billion revenue within 5 years. That is why in today’s article we decided to post the top Augmented Reality trends for 2018.

Brands will introduce AR technology into theirs promo


Ikea launched its flagship AR app, where consumers engage with furniture in an entirely new way. Users with the help of mobile device scan the room and see 3D furniture objects around in a contextually relevant manner. Costumers can reposition furniture, change its colour and add a multitude of different 3D furniture pieces to the surrounding room.

It’s clear that this type of AR app has the potential to completely alter the way in which consumers shop for new items online and using mobile devices. Now Ikea is a standard in terms of how emerging technologies in communication with customers.

It doesn’t mean that in 2018 in AR technology will invest only retailers. In this year AR continue transforming commercial landscape. In terms of calculating augmented reality ROI, brands can now see the value of investing in the development of software for AR due to its widespread usage and popularity in marketing.

Mobile AR become mainstream

There are 5 major constrants for AR in mobile, that’s need to be overcome:

1) the availability of a ‘hero’ device (this needs to be an Apple quality device, irrespective of whether it’s produced by Apple or another manufacturer),

2) all-day battery life,

3) mobile connectivity capability,

4) an app-store ecosystem,

5) telco cross subsidisation.

Mark Zuckerberg suggested that, “the phone is probably going to be the mainstream consumer platform where a lot of these AR features become mainstream, rather than a glasses form factor that people will wear on their face.”

AR will overcome the “novelty app” stereotype

Right now, many businesses see AR as a means of “ticking an innovation box”, in 2018 brands will begin to view AR software development as a long-term investment. AR technology can be used to stimulate a wide variety of commercial benefits such as enhancing the efficiency of existing processes, cost reduction and the ability to generate lucrative new revenue streams. Finding the right way to measure the success of an AR project will enable the technology to graduate beyond the realms of novelty apps and find its place in the enterprise.

ARGO reality is about 2018 — feature app will give to business a real solution, that will help to build a good marketing strategy. Want to know more about our project? Follow us on Telegram chat, Twitter and also on our website.



Argo Project

ARGO is a scalable AR-based gaming, advertising and information space.