Why should you use AR-technologies in business: real examples of successful AR start-ups

Argo Project
3 min readFeb 20, 2018


AR has made one of the biggest impact in marketing and advertising. Approximately 5 years ago, no one believed in the success of technology, but today we find out, that all types of business are trying to introduce this technology into their marketing campaigns.

We collect the most effective and successful AR-examples in business.

Pokémon GO

The Pokemon GO has made a great impact on local marketing, that will last for years. The monetization scheme of the app, in which users could buy lures to attract Pokemon to specific regions, was a boon for local businesses. That’s why application is so well-known in the world. Augmented reality company Niantic Labs, creators of the game, were quick to capitalize on the trend. In July, they announced that they would partner with businesses to create “sponsored PokeStops”, taking money in exchange for spawning monsters at particular locations.


Several years ago Sephora and group of cosmetics retailers fixture an augmented reality makeup “mirrors”. At the beginning it was a simple application where users applied splash of colour on theirs faces on photo. Today, companies like Modiface use AR to completely map the user’s face and re-render it as a photorealistic 3D object. Program help people find their own make up and even extended-time skin care regimens on the face. Using AR, Modiface lets buyers “try before they buy”, simulating a full application of makeup or months of skin care in the space of a moment.

The Simmons SIMulator

The Simmons Bedding Company is famous for their comfortpedic and beatyrest orthopedic mattresses use AR to help educate potential buyers on the selling points of their products. SIMulator app works like usual AR-game. User put his phone camera on product and see interactive details and materials. Mattresses are a high-ticket, that is why manufacturers and retailers must seize every advantage they can to capture the customer’s dollar. The SIMulator has a great success. Developers sad that it was expected. Many customers prefer to explore information at their own speed, rather than engage with sales personnel for their entire visit to a store.

ARGO project can be the next example of successful AR-application, follow us and see the progress.



Argo Project

ARGO is a scalable AR-based gaming, advertising and information space. https://argoreality.io/