YC-backed Sketchbox is a tool for designing AR/VR environments without code

Argo Project
1 min readFeb 11, 2018


Sketchbox is launching out of Y Combinator’s latest class of startups to help designers create virtual and augmented reality experiences inside VR without typing a line of code.

The goal with Sketchbox is to give designers a sophisticated tool to craft and refine VR environments without requiring them to have an engineering background and a deep understanding of desktop 3D modeling tools. The app seems especially skewed toward designers interested in rapid AR/VR prototyping.

The software isn’t just for rough-and-tumble sketches, you can import 3D models, drop in custom graphics and get as detailed as you need to. VR allows users to stick their head right up into the most granular details while they can also shrink the designed environment to the size of a pea.

Sketchbox users can send project files or walk people through a presentation mode that showcases their thought process. From there, annotations can be made and the file can be exported and sent to Unity or uploaded to Sketchfab. Sketchbox aims to be a great space for designers to dump their brain into a 3D void then refine, organize and present what exactly they are planning for a product or project.



Argo Project

ARGO is a scalable AR-based gaming, advertising and information space. https://argoreality.io/