Micro Front-ends what are they? and how they optimize collaboration?

What are micro front ends?

2 min readDec 13, 2019

micro front ends are the pure future of app designing(my personal thinking) as they help to optimize collaboration and they are getting more and more popular in app designing as they are single paged and user friendly. Think of this the other way, for users the less buttons in more functionality are great and the app becomes easy to use and understand.

Single paged applications in the context of OpenMRS!

You see the reason single page apps are getting popular and more useful in the ever growing need of different apps influencing our lifestyle by doing our daily tasks easily and more efficiently. As in the context of OPENMRS they help a lot to optimize collaboration.

As you can see in the image below:-

There are 4 buttons that that tell most of the apps features, so these apps are much more user friendly than something like Facebook etc. because apps like Facebook have a lot of buttons and to a newcomer who hasn’t used it before it won't be a pleasing experience . In the openmrs client app the sign in screen is also quite user friendly:-

Sign in screen

As you can see the openmrs sign in screen is also very user friendly as it asks you for a server address to contact to, then it asks you your username and password and then where is the session happening like laboratory pharmacy etc. so basically its very easy to sign in their app.

Then it is really easy to add a new patient to the app by just clicking register patient button and these all features really help optimize collaboration.

How do they help optimize collaborations?

So micro front end means that there are many “micro or tiny” front ends and the apps with a lot of designing and work at front ends can divide their team into many micro teams that work on just open section or part of the app and lets say that the app has 4 different buttons or functions then each team works on just one section of the app and the back end work is also divided among many teams for each separate section. And because there is now no or very less burden instead of the huge burden on one team the work is divide into many smaller teams, and thus it helps to optimize collaboration.




arg-tech also known as gamer1748 is a coder based in india