From Mentee to Success Story: How Mentoring Drives Personal and Professional Growth

Kirill Chuyanov
6 min readFeb 23, 2024
Photo by Nadir sYzYgY on Unsplash

I want to share my thoughts on mentoring based on my experience as a developer. Some conclusions might seem obvious, while others could be insightful. My goal is to motivate you to be a mentor and explain the importance of having a mentor no matter what is your main field.

The Beginning

From the first day in our lives, we always have mentors. We start with parents or guardians, who help us to adapt to the new world’s reality from the first breath, teach us how to live our lives and build the foundation of our characters. These mentors are unique in our lives; they will be there longer than others.

Then come kindergartners and school teachers who take over some duties from the parents and teach us a broader range of knowledge. They also add small bricks to our foundation and play an important role as well. University teachers have the last stage to shape us as individuals. Sometimes, they might even help us correct some deviations we acquired earlier. They might teach public speaking, entrepreneurial thinking, or how to defend a dissertation.

Later, we become parents and continue the mentoring cycle with our children. Depending on our career path, we might also become mentors for other children as teachers.



Kirill Chuyanov

[100% Follow-Back] Experienced iOS developer and Flutter enthusiast. Passionate about functional programming and elegant software design. Sharing tech insights.