2 min readJan 21, 2020


In this age it’s almost impossible to create something that both matters and pleases everyone if you don’t have super big capital to support your work or you can solve super big-scale problem. In this day, humans have little time and so many choices for a product / service they want. Once again… SO MANY CHOICES

You are bombarded by ads all the time but not all of them is attract you, right?

Ironically there are still many local business people who believe that the products they make are liked by everyone and end up unsuccessful. Why? Because their egos are not in line with reality. They did’t know that Everyone = No One.


Just like Seth Godin said, “Your work is not for everyone. It’s only for those who signed up for the journey”. So it’s important to have a target market that matches the feelings generated by your product / service. Or vice versa.

Taken from BRAND ZAG that I read a few months back, This is first tips i can share with you, Try to answer this :

  • WHAT is your category?
  • HOW are you different?
  • WHO are your customers?
  • WHERE are they located?
  • and WHY are you important?
  • WHEN do they need you?

If you can’t answer it, you need more focused target market. Why? Because marketing now is all about building a tribe. Still confused ? This is an example from the book too :

WHAT: The ONLY chain of restaurants
HOW: that hires overtly sexy waitresses
WHO: for young male customers
WHERE: in the United States
WHY: who want to indulge their libidos
WHEN : in an era of strict political correctness

So, still want to believe that your product/service is for everyone?
I am a brand identity designer who still needs to learn a lot about building a brand, so if you want to discuss please message me :)




Brand Identity Designer since 2015-now