Arianna Auñón Women's Health
3 min readOct 24, 2019


Nutrition health blood tests exercise …

This is so far from safe! society has taught us to go about it totally back to front,
you know in your soul that it feels off,
it doesn’t quite sit right,
but it’s often easier to overlook that
and just continue the same way …

Until a decade passes and you realize you still don’t feel better, this was me

I couldn’t bare it any longer.
I couldn’t bare to be brainwashed.
I couldn’t bare to hand over my precious sacred body energy life to the system.

But I did, and it nearly sent me over the edge,

how’s the health system the exercise system the medication system the food system treating you?

The fact is, it’s treating us all like shit, and it’s time right now, it was time a long time ago,
to take note now
take back your power
and let’s rise out of the systems chaos, which is a sea of confusion!

I played safe for WAY to long and ended up suppressed numbed even sicker and totally disconnected from my body and soul

Prolonging the actual healing — That needed to take place

Waiting for another blood test to say you’re fine when you know you’re not
Waiting for another nutritionist to hand you a list of supplements only to suppress the body further
Waiting for food not meant for human consumption to heal you

We all know we can’t be at our highest energetically physically emotionally
clear free focused and creative
if our health is off,
we’re all here
to step into more
of what we have come here for

Bliss abundance joy freedom play,
I know,
it may all feel far away right now, but know in your body, if I can get out of the hole I was in with emotional eating, craving everything, weight everywhere, suppressing my every emotion and feeling, anxious to even go into town for fear of seeing someone I knew and having to try and be me, so lost hiding terrified of saying something wrong or stupid,
so much shame … it’s fear …

It’s time to acknowledge the fear
We all have it, it’s ok
But not if it’s running our life
Speak with it.
Say thank you for it’s want to protect you,
you’ve got this,
you are ready to fly,
what’s on the other-side of breaking the rules
is health FREEDOM
is peace
is ease

You know your are here for more in this body
You know you are worthy of more
You know you CAN have more,
and this is why you’re reading this right now Beautiful
Because you’re ready
Ready to heal
Ready to fly
Ready to thrive in your divine body and awaken your fullest potential

READY to make the change.

What’s more important than the way you feel?
Nada Hermosa!

We are here to rise together! X


embody your radiance,
making your Radiant body
your Radiant freedom!
She’s waiting to give you more,
if only you can give her
the space she needs to heal,
she will give you everything
you’ve ever dream’t of xx

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Arianna Auñón Women's Health

Award-Winning Women’s Health Thyroid & Detox Specialist💕Guiding you to your body freedom ✨🌿