Ariela Lara
Ariela Lara

I would always look at the words of poetry that I crafted together never imagining that people would see something so dear to my heart.

Hello Everyone! I'm Ariela Lara. I am a 16 year old Chicana based here in the Bay Area. I've been writing for almost 7 years now. When I would have so many thoughts to hold, writing allowed me to let go of all that would run through my mind. So many issues in our world leave me in despair and I write about these critical problems to put the chaos into perspective. It has been my escape from reality for years and as I grew older I realized the power these letters hold to bring awareness and speak on issues that have impacted so many.

I have been one of the leaders of Somos Sunrise, a national constituent network of Latines within the Sunrise Movement that aims to recruit and train other Latines to become organizing leaders in their communities and ultimately take powerful nonviolent direct action to stop the climate crisis and create millions of good jobs for all. This movement has allowed me to connect with my culture, inspiring me in my community. As president of the leadership council at Impact Academy of Arts & Technology (my school), I have facilitated various meetings every week to plan events. Many of these planned events have been centered on our Hayward community, working to bring students volunteer opportunities and support through donation drives, career panels, & working with shelters.

As I work at the forefront to help communities, I hope that through the writing that I publish on this platform I am able to inspire youth in the world to take on their passions and learn more about sectors of empowering change.

Ariela Lara

Ariela Lara

16 years old, driven community organizer, using writing to uplift change.