Ariel Beery / אריאל בארי
Ariel Beery / אריאל בארי

Dedicated to solving problems facing humanity with sustainable and scalable solutions, Ariel Beery co-founded and led 3 social ventures over the past two decades: CoVelocity (accelerating market entry for COVID19 Healthtech solutions to reach those most in need), MobileODT (AI-powered enhanced visual assessment system for cervical cancer scaled to more than 42 countries), and the PresenTense Group (a franchise network of social venture accelerators that has helped launch over 1000 startups). From time to time Ariel has the privilege to teach university courses on social entrepreneurship, leads workshops and panels on the intersection of technology and society around the world, and is a devoted fan of science fiction to keep his eyes on the future. He is the proud father of 3 and holds a B.A in Economics and Political Science from Columbia University, a MPA (Masters in Public Administration) from New York University (NYU) in Management, and an MA from NYU in Jewish Studies.

Medium member since April 2018
Connect with Ariel Beery / אריאל בארי
Ariel Beery / אריאל בארי

Ariel Beery / אריאל בארי

An avid fan of the future and believer in human initiative to build a better world. Founder and builder of businesses to better the planet.