What Should I Buy an INTP for Christmas?

5 gifts we’ll actually love

Ariel Chantel
3 min readDec 8, 2018

Most of us identify the holiday season by ubiquitous Christmas music, colorful lights, and decked-out trees.

My main indicator of when the holidays have started is my boyfriend’s lament that he has absolutely no idea what to get me this year.


If you have an INTP in your life, you’re probably already familiar with how difficult we are to shop for.

Generally, we’re pretty content people; we don’t really want a lot of things, and that can be difficult for other types — especially Sensors — to wrap their heads around.

Since I feel sorry for you poor souls, here’s a list of 5 gifts we’d actually love to receive.

1. A Handy Dandy Notebook

INTPs are known as the idea powerhouses of the MBTI — rightfully so, as their minds are constantly generating new ones.

Unfortunately, only a fraction of our ideas ever amount to anything. Most are lost in the time it takes to brush our teeth!

Giving your INTP a new notebook or journal ensures they’ll always have a place to scribble down their thoughts.

If you have the budget, splurging on a Moleskine is a gesture that won’t go unappreciated. These classy, colorful journals appeal to our sense of aesthetics while also being undeniably handy.

Keep in mind that INTPs are paradoxical: they crave both beauty and functionality, but would never spend that kind of money on themselves.

If you can figure out their favorite writing utensil (in my case, gel ink pens), so much the better.

2. A Streaming Service

Purchasing a month’s subscription of a service they already use may seem boring, but an INTP won’t see it that way. They love the unlimited access streaming services provide.

Spotify, Audible, Netflix… so many possibilities!

3. Something Punny

INTPs are drawn to puns, wordplay, and traditional “nerd” humor, but we’re also rebels who appreciate a little irreverence.

With names like The Ablutions of Sherlock Holmes and William Shakespeare’s Bard of Soap, these literary soaps are sure to get your INTP clean and — if you’re lucky — cracking a smile.

On the rare occasion they decide to have friends over, Cards Against Humanity is the perfect party game.

They’ll also enjoy adding some spice to their fridge-poem masterpiece with A Little Box of Obscenities.


Due to their love of accumulating knowledge, INTPs can usually be found nose-deep in a book.

But you know what can’t be found? Their freaking bookmark. Odds are they either lost it, or never had one to begin with.

Details like this often escape the absent-minded INTP, but they’ll be eternally grateful to you once they no longer have to memorize what page they were on.

5. Caffeine

INTPs are caffeine fiends. Just make sure to figure out how they take it first because they can be pretty picky.

Coffee? Pick up a bag of beans or a gift card from your local coffeehouse. Energy drinks? Grab a case of their favorite flavor.

The key is to play it safe. Make sure it’s something you’ve actually seen them drink on multiple occasions.

If they’re not big on drinks, try caffeinated snacks, like Awake Chocolate Bars.

Now that you have an idea of what INTPs really want, go wow them this year with a great gift!

All pictures are my own. A special thank you to Christina Utley for her editing prowess.



Ariel Chantel

Avid reader, thrifter, & casual runner. Also a bit of a misanthrope, but not sure it's good form to admit that here. http://youtube.com/c/shewantsthediction