ok boomer

Ariel Lee
2 min readNov 7, 2019

Have you heard lately, about the backlash of the older generation who are complaining about the “ok boomer” meme?

Okay Boomer image designed by Ariel Lee.

A New Zealand lawmaker, Chlöe Swarbrick, was giving a speech on the Zero Carbon bill when she was heckled by people in the room.

She delivered a short but witty clapback that sent the room into silence so that she could continue speaking without interruption.

Her retort?

Ok Boomer.

Since then, Boomers have likened the phrase to the n-word, as if ok boomer could ever possibly be a slur meant to demean an entire race of people because of their skin color.

They have also claimed it to be an act of ageism, as though millennials really give two shits about how old you are.

Fun fact: we don’t. We care about what you believe, not what birthday you recently celebrated.

There’s no age limit on being a shitty person, after all.

Boomers, your ridiculous entitlement is showing.

This phrase isn’t a slur against you, or meant to be ageist in the slightest.

This is a generation of people who are so sick of your pathetic bullshit, that we’ve decided we’re done with it.



Ariel Lee

A writer offering the gift of the extraordinary in a world of mundane. Urban fantasy author and poetry writer.